To make installation even quicker, we now offer ALSAN RS Pre-Cut Fleece for large and small pipe penetrations and universal corner installations. These products come to you ready to install, eliminate waste and eliminate the time needed to cut fleece on the job - allowing you to expedite project timelines! The same great product you've come to know - just more convenient.
Benefits of ALSAN RS Pre-Cut Fleece:
ALSAN RS Pre-Cut Fleece is specifically designed for convenience and compatibility when applying ALSAN RS Flashing products. ALSAN RS Flashing provided a cost-effective and easy-to-apply method for difficult details and irregular shapes. The combination of ALSAN RS Flashing and ALSAN RS Fleece results in a seamless, watertight, puncture resistant, fully reinforced flashing system over SBS-modified bitumen or SENTINEL PVC membranes. Not familiar with our rapid set PMMA liquid applied waterproofing products? Learn more here!
Interested in learning more about ALSAN RS Pre-Cut Fleece? Visit the product page on our website to learn more about the product and check out the installation instructions we created for each application type. Learn more from these resources! From pipe penetrations to corner applications, ALSAN RS Pre-Cut Fleece provides a reliable reinforcement to complete ALSAN RS Flashing details.
Request your free sample of ALSAN RS Pre-Cut Fleece.
Additional Resources:
To learn more about SOPREMA visit here.
Source: SOPREMA.
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