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Find the Right Crew When and Where you Need Them

Looking for labor
October 2, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

By Dani Sheehan.

You might not be able to control the weather or material shortages, but now you can control all your labor needs in one convenient app. 

Living in the digital era, information is at your fingertips. That should mean that labor is at your fingertips as well, but in many cases, it can be overwhelming. Were you talking to that new contractor on Facebook or over email? Can’t find that text thread you needed to go back to? Are you spending too much time and money going through middlemen who help you find valuable resources but then charge a commission or additional fees for checking backgrounds and hiring? SRS Distribution understands that labor is the number one challenge in the roofing industry. With the Labor Central online platform, the SRS subscription plan makes it easy to find the crews you need quickly to get each project done. 

Choose from a monthly or yearly subscription and within minutes you can locate and connect with roofing crews. Labor Central is an on-demand search and matching platform for you to connect with contractors available for your project needs. In one, convenient app, you can filter based on the needs of your project or post the project itself and watch crews find you! Subcontractors can sign up for free to easily find job opportunities with English and Spanish supported in the app. 

There are so many factors out of your control when running a roofing company. If you can get past the weather ruining your plan, the last thing you want to do is coordinate labor and materials across multiple projects, especially when supply chain issues have made securing materials a full-time job. Labor Central takes the stress of hiring crews out of this daily grind. As Paul Aguirre of Lone Star Operations said in his review, “What an easy way to find crews and see qualifications before you hire. Easy way to get more contacts and keep a list of crews handy.”

Don’t miss our upcoming RLW® when Heidi J. Ellsworth sits down with Labor Central and SRS to discuss technology and learn more about the countless ways the industry is innovating.

Learn more about Labor Central in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.laborcentral.com.

About Dani

Dani is a writer for The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she's not writing or researching, she's teaching yoga classes or exploring new hiking trails.

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