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Famously Steep Church Roof in Redding Gets Replaced

RCS Famously Steep Church
September 4, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter.  

After sustaining damage from a hailstorm, the First Presbyterian Church finds a solution to steep roof pitch problems in RestoreMasters Contracting LLC.

A reroof of a church usually isn’t newsworthy, but the First Presbyterian Church on Placer Street in Redding is extremely high-pitched. The building itself is pyramidic, making replacing shingles difficult. 

“The design of this building makes, obviously, something like roof replacement a very difficult proposition," Church Elder Mike Pickering told KRCRTV. The logistics of getting the shingles to someone high above who can slide them down to installers was a worthy challenge for any roofer.  

The job fell to experts at RestoreMasters Contracting LLC. "[RestoreMasters] discussed several different ways they would approach it, given its steep slopes, and decided with rappel work. It’s not cheap,” says Elder Mike.  

Among the list of challenges inherent to the project, the construction of this reroof ran into issues with material shortages as well. 

“Getting roofing materials is not easy at this point in time,” says Elder Mike. “The color of the roof, for example, was to get a single lot that had enough of the same shingles so it wouldn’t change colors. So that was more what drove the color choice than anything else. It’s close to $300,000 to do something like this." 

This project is in line with RestoreMasters values of Serve › Sacrifice › Deliver, and being good stewards to their projects. Their website reads, “We will sacrifice whatever it takes to the best of our ability to fulfill our mission to serve, and we will deliver excellent results on every project.” 

They proudly serve their community with love, integrity, professionalism and respect, clearly upholding their mission with the combined care and attention they have paid to the First Presbyterian Church. Work continued throughout July, its completion a tremendous win for both the roofers and the churchgoers who could return to the main sanctuary. 

Stay up to date with the latest roofing industry news when you sign up for the RCS Week in Roofing e-news. 

Photo Credit: KRCRTV

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