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Down to Earth Style of Roofing

RCS Earth Style Roofing
August 19, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

Learn what Earthships are, what their roofs are made from and what makes them such unique structures. 

In the last few decades, Earthships communities have been growing throughout Northern New Mexico, mainly in Taos. These homes are constructed using natural and reclaimed materials, giving its residents a chance to live completely off-the-grid. Some Earthships are even being rented out for vacationers looking for a chance to relax. But what exactly are Earthships and what are their roofs made from? 

According to Earthship Global, Earthships are designed using these six principles: 

  1. Thermal/solar heating and cooling 
  2. Solar and wind electricity 
  3. Contained sewage 
  4. Building with natural and recycled materials 
  5. Water harvesting 
  6. Food production 

Essentially, these homes are designed to be sustainable and self-sufficient, and they are often crafted to be aesthetically pleasing. Often you’ll see colorful glass bottles strategically placed in the walls of the home, which gives these homes a unique look. 

Photo credit: Earthship Global 

While the walls are made from tires, the materials used for Earthship roofs often vary. Conserve Energy Future says that vigas or trusses are used to hold up the roof, which can be made from dried grass. They also state that if the climate of the area is rainy, those constructing the roof should prioritize leak prevention, while hot climates should prioritize temperature regulation. They are also insulated with earth or adobe. One woman told Inverse that she constructed her Earthship roof out of wood panels over a u-shaped wall. 

Earthship roofs are also functional to the sustainability of the home. Typically, their roofs are designed to also function as rainwater catchment systems. Environment Ecology says that whatever water collects on the roof is then channeled into a silt-catching device and cistern. These cisterns filter out bacteria to make the water suitable for drinking.  

Those interested in learning more about Earthships have a world of knowledge available at their fingertips. Earthship Biotecture offers many lessons and training through their Earthship Biotecture Academy. They offer in-person and online classes as well as scholarships to help everyone on Earth learn about Earthships.

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About Evelyn 

Evelyn works as a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When she isn’t writing about roofing, she’s either at the gym lifting weights or curled up on the couch watching a movie. 

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