Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Donovan Morgan of Roofs by Don. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast.
Megan Ellsworth: Hello everyone, my name is Megan Ellsworth and you are listening to a Roofing Road Trip podcast from RoofersCoffeeshop.com. I am here today with one of our very good friends, Donovan Morgan. Hello, how are you?
Donovan Morgan: Everything is going great. How you guys doing? Raise the roof. Hey.
Megan Ellsworth: Raise the roof. I'm so good. I'm even better now. I'm excited to chat. You guys are doing your third annual Black History Month Summit hosted at the Roof Museum. And we're talking about that today. So before we dive into that, can you just introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about you, the Roof Museum and Roofs by Don.
Donovan Morgan: Yes.
Donovan Morgan: Of course, of course. So, hey guys, my name is Donovan Morgan, aka Roots by Don. I own a company called The Roof Gallery by Roots by Don, and also the nonprofit, which is The Roof Museum, which is the first roof museum in the world. And basically, we, with The Roof Gallery and Roots by Don is based out of Atlanta, Georgia, Marietta B. is specific. I started my roofing company three years ago. From starting my roofing company, we've been doing, a lot of great things as far as in the industry, where I've gotten one of the first endorsements from a shingle manufacturer. Ours is with Ica, so like LeBron James and Nike, you know, have roofers, you know, getting endorsements now as well. We've done a lot of education as far as in the roofing industry through our roof museum, where we educate contractors, we show the culture, we make roofing fun, you know and we do a lot of things for the community and for the kids.
So then that way when they grow up, they don't have to say they wanna be a police or a fireman. Now they can have another thing on the list and they can wanna be a roofer as well.
Megan Ellsworth: Yes, I love it. You guys really do make roofing fun. I just love seeing everything you guys do. And when you're at the trade shows, you just have this brilliant energy about you. So it's always just really fun. So thanks for everything you do.
Donovan Morgan: Thank you, thank you.
Donovan Morgan: I appreciate that, appreciate that. And thank you. And we also have our theme song for the roofing industry called Every Shingle Day. So you guys can go on there. Just put in a ruse by Don and we have a lot of different roofing songs for the roofing industry too.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah!
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, and they're bangers, honestly. They're so good. Yes. Okay, can you tell us a little bit about the Roof Museum and its mission in the roofing and construction industries?
Donovan Morgan: Thank you, thank you.
Donovan Morgan: Yeah, so the Roof Museum has been around, I guess, about to be three years officially too, because this is going to be the Black History Month event that we're going to be doing in February. And what the main thing was is me, very competitive. I like to be the best of the best. So usually when you're doing like music or you're an athlete, you're in the Hall of Fame. And you know, you're in the Hall of Fame Museum or things like that. And at the end of the day, when I was looking into roofing,
Megan Ellsworth: Okay.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah.
Roofs By Don: And I said, finally, okay, I'm gonna be a roofer, this is what I'm gonna do. I was looking for who the best of the best are. And I couldn't find that necessarily when I was looking. The biggest person I found was Bob the Builder. I'm like, hold on, you that's a cartoon. Yeah, so we had to start trying to see what I thought the best roofer would look like. So that's why we just started doing cool things as far as branding. No company really had a household name. So we started branding ourselves.
Megan Ellsworth: Wait a minute.
Donovan Morgan: Put a cartoon so that I could go against Barb Builder as far as things like that. Do things for the community, for kids, because that's who's growing up. I feel like if the kids know who you are as a brand, when they get older, that's what they're gonna know as far as roofing wise. that's where the Roof Museum actually came from first because we felt like I wanted to find out who the best of the best were in the roofing space. And that I wanted to be the one to induct them into the Hall of Fame since it wasn't there yet. So they usually say when things...
Can't get done right you have to do it yourself. So I didn't see it So I decided hey, let's let's make one. Let's make the roof museum and I can start Inducting people into the roof museum that has provided excellence to our industry
Megan Ellsworth: That's awesome. I just love that you all are so motivated by empowering kids. Because, I mean, everybody needs a roof. Everybody needs a sink. There's all these different trades that have been kind of overlooked the last few decades. you guys are just bringing a new life to them, especially for kids and teenagers. That's really cool to see.
Donovan Morgan: Yeah. And I really feel like, just like we saying earlier, when you think of roofing or construction in general, it's not necessarily the sexiest industry. You usually think of the old guy, dirty, construction boots. But really, with roofing, construction, any business, you can add your own personality to it. So you can be yourself and add your individuality to it. So that's why we like to do cool things. We feel like we're cool.
Megan Ellsworth: Right.
Donovan Morgan: So whether it's music, whether it's community events, getting people together, education, but just doing things in a fun way, repackaging it in a way where it's digestible for everyone in the new generations.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, that's great. Okay, so this is the third year that you've done your Black History Month Summit. How has it evolved and what was the inspiration behind it?
Donovan Morgan: Yes.
Donovan Morgan: I feel like it's definitely, you guys were the inspiration behind it. So shout out to Rupert's coffee shop. Yep, so know coffee, know, you get it black first and then you have the creamer. So, with this Black History Month is coffee, no creamer. No, but yeah, so really you guys, cause you guys had your Black History Month podcast.
Megan Ellsworth: My gosh!
Megan Ellsworth: Perfect, perfect, just the way I like it.
Megan Ellsworth: Webinar. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Donovan Morgan: Yes, you guys have a bunch of podcasts. So you guys are actually one up from us. This might be like your fourth one in like for the fourth annual one that you guys have. Yeah. And I saw you guys do the first one. I thought that was real cool because when I was looking in the roofing industry, I felt like that was under, what's the word? As far as being able to be seen with everyone, underrepresented there is I'll short for rest for a second. So, know,
Megan Ellsworth: Think so, yeah.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, underrepresented. Yep.
Donovan Morgan: With the roofing, especially like the Latinos, they have Latinos roofing, have things like that. And as far as the manufacturers, they'll even do events that are geared towards other, you know, communities. So I feel like the, it's a squeaky wheel that gets the oil. So at the end of the day, we have to be able to let them know, hey, there's black people that's in the industry as well. You know, we're just black owners or different parts of the industry. And that's how we're able to get more support. So just by making a platform.
Megan Ellsworth: Yep.
Megan Ellsworth: Exactly.
Donovan Morgan: I feel like that's the first thing that we gotta do. And then, know, everybody else will come support and people will be able to see as far as the industry that, you know, when I just started, I didn't know that black people even roofed. Is I had to start, am I getting on social media? Then I saw another black owner and then he was in a totally different state. He was in Texas and relocated into Georgia, you know? But then just because of social media, we're able to start networking and then you start seeing, oh, there's other black people that do this as well, you know? And with the Black History Month events, it's kind of, getting everyone in one place so that when everyone can network, because your network is your network.
Megan Ellsworth: Yes, I love that saying. That is so true. It really is your net worth. Wow, that's brilliant. I just, couldn't agree more. Like you said, going back to the kids too, like having someone that looks like you and is maybe from your area or just looks like you, doing something that you want to do or being a person that you want to be like is huge. And it's so inspirational for people growing up.
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm.
Megan Ellsworth: So, and also I, there are black people in the roofing industry. so, you'd never know, yeah.
Donovan Morgan: I know, but you would never know. I really didn't know. And even me being, like this is real, even me being black, I didn't know until I went to conferences and stuff. And really people coming up to me like, I didn't know there was other black people until I saw you. And I'm like, well, we're not together, you know? And yeah, and at the end of the day, I feel like once you realize that, then everyone can kind of get together and actually out. Because again, just like we're saying, as far as networks wise,
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, that's awesome.
Donovan Morgan: There might be a project that is too big for me or maybe I can't handle, but now because I have a better network, you I can reach out, you know, I can see if that could, if someone can help me facilitate it or if I can pass it off to them, you know, it's just expanding your network, seeing people just like you said, like-minded that look like you because I've never seen, like I said, picture the old guy, construction boots, that's it. So once I started making some songs and things like that,
Megan Ellsworth: Mm-hmm.
Donovan Morgan: I dress regularly, I still have my brand, but I like to dress nice too, things like that. And people see that and they gravitate. And I feel like it's not only just a representation, but it also helps with recruiting, marketing, things like that. people are like, I like doing these things too. I can see myself looking like this. I can see myself doing this kind of thing and making money. Where before it's just music or basketball or sports, let's say.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: And so when you see something else, like, can make money doing roofing. And it actually still make it look good. I can still maybe post this on social media. don't have to hide. That's what it's all about.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, yeah and still have fun, totally. And it's so nice to have a space created for you and your community where you can be with like-minded people, like you said, be with people that look like you and don't look like you and just support that community also. And I think the Black History Summit is just that, so that's really great. What can attendees expect from this year's event? Are there any?
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm. Exactly. Thank you.
Megan Ellsworth: Standout sessions or speakers you're really excited about.
Donovan Morgan: Yeah, so we definitely like to speak about innovation, things like that, try to get us ahead of the curve. We actually have one person that he makes gasoline out of plastic. Yeah, it's called Plastilene. He's gonna be one of the speakers. His name is Julian. He's actually a real young too, young guy. And he invented another gas. So we're gonna put that in one of our roofing trucks.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: So we're gonna be the first, we're gonna make history. We're gonna one of the first roofing trucks to have plasticine and have it running that way. But that's something that's real big. Yeah, and we have some other things, like AI. We have some people coming in for financial literacy. We have, it's sponsored by Capital City Loans Bank. And then we have another person coming in to help as far as for business and business financing. So you see, that's one of the main things, especially for newer companies.
Megan Ellsworth: No way! Wow.
Megan Ellsworth: Nice.
Donovan Morgan: That's usually like the pitfalls as far as why people go out of business. So just making sure everyone's financial literacy, literate, that and knowing what steps to take. if we bumped our head, we can kind of help you out so you don't have to do the same thing.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, that's so nice. And as a young person myself, financial literacy classes and programs are so nice, especially I'm not always like going and looking for them. But if I'm at an event and they have something like that, I'm in that class. I'm set because I need it.
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm.
Donovan Morgan: Yup, yup. And in the roofing industry, like really it's a big thing, know? Our first year just getting into business, we did $2.3 million in sales, which is, know, it's okay. But at the end of the day, we didn't know what to do with it. So I had a business partner, know, Dan Dimension and at the end of the day, you know, we got the money and when we're doing builds, we're just splitting it. We're not necessarily putting things to the side, you know, for business. We know about taxes, but we're not necessarily, you know, putting certain things aside and then when it all hits you.
Megan Ellsworth: Wow. Right? Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: It's like, no, okay, now what we have to do, you know? And they're like, nobody told us. So at the end of the day, you don't learn everything in school, but you do have to be able to seek the information, especially when you're getting into business and things like roofing, especially with insurance restoration, because it's not just like a cash deal, you know, you have to wait for the insurance companies to pay out and things like that. So it's always great to have someone that's been in those shoes already, and they can kind of say, hey, this is how it goes, you know?
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yeah.
Megan Ellsworth: Mm-hmm.
Donovan Morgan: These are gonna look good, know, doing a couple million dollars a year that looks good, you know, but here's the things that you might have to look out for so that way you can continue doing that, can continue growing.
Megan Ellsworth: Wow, yeah, absolutely. Okay, so how does the summit contribute, would you say we kind of hit on it a little bit, but how does it contribute to empowering contractors, entrepreneurs and business professionals in the industry?
Donovan Morgan: Yeah, again, just as far as giving those tools or filling in voids. So a lot of questions that people might ask or might be afraid to ask or in certain rooms, hopefully in our setting at the Roof Museum, it's more intimate setting as well. So it's not like the big conference with like 6,000 people all over. It's more of a 120 or less as far as group. So it's an intimate group with the same valuable speakers that are...
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: That are at the conferences on stages, but now you get to speak with them personally, you know and build your own relationships and really ask the questions that you want to ask as opposed to them being on stage. You raise your hand real quick and then they're gone right after they're done, you know? So with them being there, we're able to mingle with everyone and also like-minded contractors so then we can ask, you know, all the questions or even provide answers for people.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, networking at these events, especially like you said, this one's kind of, it's not like a 6,000 person conference, is so pivotal because you get really get that one-on-one time with people, with the speakers. networking is a big part of the event. What are some of, do you have any like networking mixers or anything like that for people to get together?
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm. Correct. Yeah, so the event's gonna be from 10 to 2 p.m. So it's from 10 to 2. We like to keep it real informative. And then towards the end, that's where we're gonna have the mix where everyone gets to network, shake hands, kiss babies. We'll have everyone introduce themselves so people know who everyone is in the room. And that way we can network effectively. So we'll see what people's pain points are while we're there as far as for our audience.
Megan Ellsworth: Okay, perfect. Yeah. Hahaha!
Donovan Morgan: And then we'll have people that can answer those pain points.
Megan Ellsworth: That's awesome. Yay. Okay. And then remind us what day is this happening? And you said 10 to 2.
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm. Yay. Yes. Yes, so it is February 15th. That is a Saturday. That's a day after Valentine's. So after you take your date out on the date, then it's back to the money so that way can pay for all the damages you did the day before. So that's when it's gonna be. It's gonna be February 15th. It's a Saturday. If you are flying in from out of state, then we can also help accommodate as far as for what hotels to pick and things like that. And travel.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. That's great. So why would you say it's important to honor Black History Month specifically within the roofing industry?
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm. Yeah, really it's just like, it's just shedding light on everything. I feel like just how you have say a calendar year, you say the year, but every month gets a little shine, it's January, it's February, you know? It's the same thing. it's basically everyone getting their little time so we can show that everyone's valuable. So just like how you have an employee, for instance and you might want to shout out that employee when they do something great. That's all it is. So the industry as a whole.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: Everyone gets their particular time where they're able to get a spotlight on them and they get their little shout outs or their spotlight. So for February, it's usually Black History Month in general for the United States, but in construction and roofing, we didn't necessarily have something that was, hey, Black History Month for roofers. So that's what we want to bring to the table. So just how we have when it's Latinos in roofing, for instance, they have their month. I think that's...
Megan Ellsworth: Yep.
Megan Ellsworth: Mm-hmm.
Donovan Morgan: Is it April or March? I don't want to misspeak.
Megan Ellsworth: It's, AAPI is April, I think, then Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15th to October 15th. I actually just looked at it yesterday. That's why I know the exact dates. Random factoid.
Donovan Morgan: Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, but you see but so yeah, so so that's all it is is the same way You know just just providing spotlights and then we can show who's doing great in the industry So then other people can keep inspiring to be great as well and keep moving the needle forward Yeah, so so February we like everyone says to support. It's not just like just black contractors It's every color and we're just really just again is putting the spotlight. Hey
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah.
Megan Ellsworth: Absolutely. I love it too. Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: These guys look like they're superstars, you know, that they're doing good. And that way just making everyone, you know, feel great about our craft and our business. Because again, construction or roofing is not really the sexiest industry, but when we get together, we're celebrating each other, we're having award shows, we're making it cool. That's what's gonna make everyone put a smile on everyone's face and, you know, keep it moving forward.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yeah, well said. I couldn't agree more. I think also it's just so important, like you said earlier on in the podcast, that like, hey, we're here too. It's not just one ethnicity in roofing. It's like a total melting pot. And there are so many black owned roofing companies across the world, across the United States. And this is the time to honor that hard work.
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and that's it. then when it's kind of weird, I don't know, I mainly said, say black and that's, said, for instance, Spanish, know, like Hispanics, but you know, where there's Asians, you know and just whatever it is. even white people in general, but usually what they say for like white, that's like the regular events, right? For some reason, it's not really like spaced out. Yeah, it's like the regular, but honestly, it should be something where just like how a year has like its months.
Megan Ellsworth: And absolutely.
Megan Ellsworth: Yes.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, for some reason, I don't know why.
Donovan Morgan: Everyone should have their time where you're just getting spotlighted. that's what it is, just like the rotation. So no one gets left out. That's all.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yeah, totally, totally. Okay, so how can people get involved with the event, whether it's people attending, sponsors, contributors, how can they get involved?
Donovan Morgan: Mm-hmm. Yes, yes. Yes, so we definitely have sponsors that are coming in as well. So it's the roofmuseum.org. So the roofmuseum.org, that's where you'll be able to get on and you can see all the info for our event and our upcoming events. We have one in July, it's gonna be our third annual Roofer Block Party. That one's gonna be part of the Lego. So that's gonna be cool. So all of our master builders, all of our contractors and roofing contractors, we're gonna be able to have an event with Lego.
Megan Ellsworth: Ooh.
Donovan Morgan: We're all gonna be able to build different things. Yeah, we're trying to make it real fun for the roofing industry, you know? And for the kids, because they're gonna like that kind of stuff too. And then the future when they grow up, know, what roofer you know? Bruce Fideon, don't know, the Roof Museum? And not Bob the Builder anymore. But you know, so yeah, so we have a lot of different cool things that you guys will be able to get in tuned with. We have a lot of different exhibitors at the Roof Museum, which is real cool, where we provide a VIP guided tour.
Megan Ellsworth: It's so cool! Mm-hmm. Yeah, totally. Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: Even our even our kitchen is not a kitchen. It's actually sponsored by the Rufus coffee shop So let me take people inside our Rufus coffee shop. It looks real cool. We have our it's sponsored by Ico Certainteed actually just I'm sponsored this year. They're on board this year, too. We have Accu-Links. We have Job Nimbus. We have Hailtrace we have Pitch Gauge we have Business 411 and a lot of other
Megan Ellsworth: Hee hee. Wow.
Donovan Morgan: Roofing industry components that are sponsoring and exhibitors of the roofing museum. So yeah, so we like to highlight the greats in there and we like people to come by. We give you guys a VIP tour. It's about education and making the industry, putting spotlight on it and making it better.
Megan Ellsworth: That's awesome. Absolutely incredible. so February 15th from 10 to 2 in Marietta, Georgia What other resources opportunities will be available at the summit that we haven't touched on?
Donovan Morgan: Yup yup. Yup. We're gonna be having so much things over there. Really the best thing to do is go onto the roofmuseum.org. That way we can send you guys consistent updates. We do a lot of things. We did things with the prison system where we did some events with them. So getting some people that are getting out of prison to get them back into the workforce. Roofing is one of those industries that are open arms to people to give them second chances and make them make money. Show them how to make money but the right way.
Megan Ellsworth: Yes. Yes.
Donovan Morgan: So we do things with them. We do a lot of things with the community. And as far as for this vet in general, theroofmuseum.org, that'll be the first place and then we can give all the information that you guys need.
Megan Ellsworth: Mm-hmm. Awesome. Everyone can also go to the Roofs by Dawn directory on rooferscoffeeshop.com or the Roof Gallery directory on rooferscoffeeshop.com to find out more. Okay, lastly, Dawn, what is your hope that the Black History Month Summit, what's your hope for the impact that the summit has on the industry and on your community?
Donovan Morgan: Yes. Yes. I hope that... Decades from now, and when I'm gone, that I have a statue of myself and it'll be in front of the Roof Museum, but the Roof Museum is gonna be like more bigger, it's gonna be in a bigger place, more official. And then just like how you have Walt Disney, and he has a statue of himself with Mickey Mouse at Walt Disney World, I wanna have something similar, have a little station for the kids so that they know and all the things that we're doing right now will actually get recognized. So from the theme songs to,
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: The home improvement show that we have every single day, just trying to, again, put spotlight on roofing and make it look more commercialized and more fun that will actually get recognized for those and be like, they started that and now these new people or these younger people are finishing it and doing things bigger. I wanna inspire a shingle designer. Because I always said I wanna be a shingle designer, but it's hard, you know, I speak of manufacturers, you know.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah, absolutely. I love that.
Donovan Morgan: And we're doing things like that right now, but I want to sponsor the future shingle designer that when we have a Gucci roof, they be yeah, heard Roots by Don talking about it and he actually did an event with Burberry. He's the first contractor to do an event with Burberry. And that sparked my mind to say, hey, let's get a designer roof. And that's where they're doing it or things like that. So that's what we want to do.
Megan Ellsworth: I love that. Yeah. Incredible. I'm so excited for the summit and for the great things that are gonna come out of it. February 15th, 10 to two. Everyone go register, go fly out there and enjoy a great event. Dawn, thank you so much for chatting with me.
Donovan Morgan: Yay! Thank you and then we have to save in advance for the next one for next year. We gotta have you come out and then you guys gotta do a performance. Or for the block party in July, we'll figure it out. But thank you again, I really appreciate it that you guys like always giving a spotlight for one for the Black History Month event that we have.
Megan Ellsworth: Yes. Okay, we'll talk, we'll talk. Well, thank you so much.
Donovan Morgan: But just in general, like I said before we had a Black History Month event, you guys were the first I seen that had a platform for black contractors and you put different people on a platform to speak. And I feel like that was real big because again, before really getting on social media, I didn't see people in other positions. So you guys helped us see one black owners, roofing owners, but then I seen other positions as well in the distribution side and things like that.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yeah.
Donovan Morgan: And I feel like that's real cool. If we could keep spotlighting people in different positions, not just roofing contractors, but who's a black manufacturer? And if there's none, hopefully this conversation can start that so we can get a black shingle manufacturer, know, to just where there's none, you know? Just things like that, know, different places. Who makes the caulking? Who makes the nails? Just all that. And we can start filling in the void so that way everyone can be represented everywhere, you know? And that's it.
Megan Ellsworth: Yeah. Yes, I know, yeah. Yeah, that is my goal. I want to see a total rainbow of people in every position in roofing and just make this industry totally open arms to anyone and everyone. Yes, yep.
Donovan Morgan: Like a melting pot. Yeah, make it a melting pot. I feel like that's what the United States is in general. It's a melting pot of everyone. And when you have everyone, we're able to show our personalities. We're able to problem solve differently, because we all have different ways of problem solving and things like that. And we can push the needle forward.
Megan Ellsworth: Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah, absolutely. this has been so inspirational. Thank you, Don. Everyone out there, please go to rooferscoffeeshop.com to the Roofs by Don directory to learn more. And Don, what was the Roof Gallery's website one more time?
Donovan Morgan: Thank you.
Donovan Morgan: So the roofgallery.com, that's where we'll make your roof a work of art. And then the roofmuseum.org, that's where you'll get roofing education and things like that for the community. So just like you see the Mona Lisa, that's in the museum, roofmuseum.org. And then we have the actual painter, that's the roof gallery, where you're gonna make your roof a work of art.
Megan Ellsworth: Perfect, incredible. Everyone out there listening, thank you so much. Please make sure you subscribe and ring the bell so you get notified every time we upload a new episode. And we'll see you next time on Roofing Road Trips.
Donovan Morgan: Ding ding ding ding ding. Thank you guys.
Megan Ellsworth: Ding ding ding!
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