Anyone who has spent any time on commercial roofs has surely seen some crazy details. All too often, not only do these unique details not perform as intended, leaving the assembly prone to leaks and damage, but they also cost significantly more to create and fabricate.
Take the above image of an extended vent pipe for example. We can only imagine that the apparent steps taken for this unique detail were as follows:
Also consider that this does not include any of the time that the contractor spent creating the detail or sourcing and securing all the required materials.
A faster and easier option would have been to use Tubos Vent Pipe Extensions to solve the problem.
Tubos comes from the roofing distributor with the other roofing materials delivered to the jobsite. In addition, Tubos units are the only product available on the market designed and manufactured for extending vent stacks. Each unit has an internal 6-inch splice sleeve that fits properly into existing PVC or cast-iron vent stacks and prevents water and moisture from leaking into the roofing assembly. Tubos units are 28-inches long and can be cut for shorter applications or stacked for applications that require a longer extension.
More importantly, they are typically installed in less than five minutes. Just measure, cut the pipe to length (or add length if needed), insert the splice sleeve into the existing vent with a bead of caulk where the Tubos unit meats the old vent stack, flash with a standard pipe boot and you’re done!
For additional information or a complete list of stocking distributors, please visit the company website at
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