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Cotney Consulting Group Offering Free 20-Minute Checkups

Cotney Consulting 20 minute checkups
May 20, 2020 at 6:00 a.m.

By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor.

Contractors should call now to see where they can strengthen their businesses.

Coming in Fall 2020, Cotney Consulting Group (CCG) has announced that it will be rolling out a fleet of trucks and experts to provide contractors with on-site workforce, technical and safety training for their teams.  Trent Cotney, founder of Cotney Construction Law, launched CCG in March of this year to offer contractors access to deeply experienced industry professionals who can help them improve their businesses.

Workforce training brings hands-on roofing system installation training to CCG subscription clients as an enhanced part of their plans. Training will be provided on everything from single ply to modified roof systems and how to make repairs on existing roofs. An NRCA Qualified assessor is also available.

Technical training will train your key personnel on all the technical aspects needed to develop and implement in-house quality control programs and inspections. Safety training delivers on-site OSHA 10, 30, competent person, first aid, signal, rigging, lift and many other trainings.

The consultants at CCG have spent years in the roofing industry, running multi-million-dollar roofing businesses. They understand the issues that you are facing in your roofing business and have the experience to help you solve those issues. They can help you assess the health of your organization, perform risk assessment and management, optimize your organization, provide industry insight, reliable legal advice and review your revenue structure to maximize your profits and assist you in growing at a manageable scale.  

Contractors are encouraged to contact CCG to schedule their free 20-minute consultation. During the call, the consultant will be able to perform a high-level needs assessment to determine some of the areas where your business could benefit from services. They can also put together a custom consulting proposal for your business after the initial discovery call.

Schedule your free 20-minute call. 

About Cotney Consulting Group

Unlike other “business” consultants, Cotney has 65+ years’ experience solving the problems of roofing companies. With real experience running 8-figure, multi-million dollar companies, our consultants did not learn about business consulting from a book — we have experienced the same problems that you have, solved them and moved on to create a storied history of success. We can share our experiences with you and help you achieve success. Learn more at www.cotneyconsulting.com

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