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Contractors Value A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply’s Next-day Delivery of Metal Decking

Post - Next Day Delivery
October 19, 2016 at 7:12 a.m.

Metal roof decking has become the dominant platform for many types of building

Contractors understand the importance of the roof deck - it holds up the thing that keeps everything else dry.  If the roofing is in bad shape, chances are that the metal deck will need work as well.  There are a number of different profiles that have been made over the years.  Keeping an inventory of these types of decking is a daunting challenge for many roof contractors.

Bob Pence, purchasing manager for three offices run by DC Taylor, said that each bid must include a description of the type of decking.  “It’s important to know what the customer wants and what the profile is to avoid any lead time. We’ve learned through experience on that.”

Justin Tyler, logistics manager for Centimark, says his company also includes details about the decking to ensure it specifies the correct profile and amount with unusual holes being traced onto paper for precise measurements.

Most of our work has been re-roofing work, and we do spot replacement of decking,” said Gene Fowler of Sentry Roofing. While conducting estimates, he’s encountered some roofs that can barely support their own weight. “You never know when you’re going to hit something,” he said. “Those things you don’t see unless you do a very thorough investigation.”

Even with planning ahead, taking the precautions mentioned and building the decking type into the bid, the full condition of the deck often isn’t known until the roof has been torn off. Suddenly finding yourself looking at a dangerous roof condition without the right amount of materials to repair or replace the metal decking can bring a roofing job to a halt.

That’s where A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply can help with the metal decking materials on hand for quick delivery to the job site. When Nick Polizzi, president of A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply, gets a call from a customer, it’s almost always urgent.  Either someone took the wrong measurement, or a specific profile is needed or the damage to the roof was more extensive than originally thought. Regardless of the reason, the caller wants to know if they can have 2,000 square feet delivered – by tomorrow.  With A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply’s 14 locations throughout the country, Polizzi’s answer is almost always ‘yes.’

About A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply

After running errands for a metal deck subcontractor in high school, Polizzi became a union apprentice for a sheet metal firm while in college.  After college he paired with his dad, Nick A. Polizzi, and began installing new metal decks eventually keeping a ready supply of the most popular profiles.  With 14 locations throughout the United States A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply can now fulfill most orders overnight instead of in weeks or months.  For more information visit www.metaldecksupply.com [gaevent src="https://rooferscoffeeshop.com/rcs.php?gaplg=499"]

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