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Contractors Replace 92 Roofs in 92 Days

RCS 92 Roofs in 92 Days
September 26, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter.

BluSky Restoration Contractors take on the challenge of replacing the hail-damaged roofs of this vacation property on a tight deadline.

The owners of Holiday Hills Resort in Branson, Missouri, had high demands for the repair schedule for their resort; they wanted the building envelope repairs to be finished before the Fourth of July holiday. BluSky Restoration Contractors started the project in February of 2020, with a hard deadline of July first for repairs to be finished. 

The 450-acre property was hit by a devastating winter hailstorm that damaged not only their standing seam metal roofs on 92 separate three- and four-story buildings, but also siding and windows of the buildings. With only four months to complete a huge project BluSky’s work was cut out for them. 

“We excel in tight time frame, large-scale projects. We get you back up and running,” Vice President of Commercial Roofing Troy Osborne told Roofing Magazine. BluSky was a good match for each phase of this project, according to National Project Director John Corbin.  

“For this project in particular, the scope really wasn’t limited to the roof,” John told Roofing Magazine. “So, for us to offer all of the full roofing services alongside of the kind of building envelope services, it was really what the project needed.” 

The scope of work included removing the existing cupolas from many of the buildings. “The cupolas had just been a nightmare for them to maintain, so one of the requests in the scope was to pull all of those cupolas off,” John says. “There were about 55 of them, and they were big, they were heavy — timber-framed with dimensional lumber.” 


Installation was complicated by the spread-out organization of the buildings wrapped around a golf course, which made managing crews and delivering materials a challenge. "It gave us room to work, but it made things more complicated in terms of project management and safety,” says Troy. 

The pandemic also created significant issues. “The coronavirus came over to the mainland U.S. here and it just changed everything — crew availability, hotel accommodations for our crews, even how we assembled for our daily safety meetings,” John recalls. “Everything was just flipped upside down.” 

A key concern of the client was maintaining the meticulous landscaping of the resort. “To do all of the hoisting and all the material movement and not interrupt the landscaping was tough. We had an awful lot of equipment on site, from lifts to telehandlers to articulating booms — just about every piece of equipment you could imagine,” says John. “And one of the things that we decided as a project team at the start of this project to cut down on that huge variable, is we decided that under no circumstance would any piece of equipment be allowed to go beyond the curb of the street. We were not going to have any equipment on any landscaping at all.” 


Despite the challenges and tight deadlines, BluSky finished work ahead of schedule with no safety incidents. Crews from BluSky Restoration Contractors replaced 92 roofs at the resort in 92 days. 

“We celebrate the success, but to be honest with you, that’s what it was going to be from day one. Failure was never going to be an option,” says Troy. “We pulled it off because John had the belief, and we were going to put whatever team needed to be on it to get it done." 


Roofing contractor: BluSky Restoration Contractors, Centennial, Colorado, goblusky.com 


Metal roof system: 26-guage #1 G-Rib in Charcoal, Frontier Metal, frontiermetal.biz 

Underlayment Weather Armor HT, APOC, apoc.com 

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