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Congratulations to the 2021 Davis Memorial Foundation Scholarship Recipients!

WSRCA 2021 Davis Memorial Foundation
June 22, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

By Davis Memorial Foundation. 

This scholarship season, the Davis Memorial Foundation granted a total of $50,000 to 10 outstanding students and aspiring professionals. 

Since 1997, the Davis Memorial Foundation has awarded over $650,000 to deserving students who represent the future of this industry.  

These scholarships rewards students who have achieved a superior academic standing and support the next generation of professionals by assisting those with financial need. The foundation thanks all of the generous sponsors and attendees to various fundraising events that make these scholarship awards possible. 

The Davis Memorial Foundation, now in its 25th year of supporting higher education, was established in memory of Larry and Mary Davis. Larry was an integral part of the roofing industry for many years serving on several roofing industry association boards which included the RCA of California and the Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA)
Congratulations to our 2021 scholarship winners: 

Oscar Encharnacion – College of Souther Nevada 

Brycen Tambone – Yavapai College 

Jelyn Betinafaye Davis – Billings Senior High School 

Maria Vielma – University of New Mexico 

Marshall Henry Watson – North Forney High School 

Travis Cole Chapman – Texas A&M University, College Station 

Jashua Wilmerding – Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 

Andrea Sahagun – Norther Arizona University 

Jordan Holland – Denali Peak High School 

Jesus Velasquez Caro – Proctor R. Hug High School  

About the Davis Memorial Foundation

The Davis Memorial Foundation is operated under the auspices of the Western States Roofing Contractors Association. 

Larry and Mary Davis personified the heart and spirit of the roofing industry community. Committed to supporting the professional standing of roofing contractors, Larry promoted high standards and believed that a well-educated membership was key to the industry's future success. Founder of State Roofing Company in Modesto, California, Larry served as a director on the Western States RCA Board of Directors and was active on several committees, often flying to meetings with his wife Mary in their private airplane. They perished in a plane crash in 1995 when they were returning from a committee meeting. The Foundation was created in their honor. 

Learn more about the WSRCA in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit www.wsrca.com.

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