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Building a Greener Future With Metal

METALCON Building a Greener Future
September 30, 2023 at 3:00 a.m.

By Anna Lockhart.  

Attending METALCON 2023? Don’t miss out on the sustainability-centered learning sessions being featured at this year’s event!  

The future is looking greener and brighter with metal! Learn how the metal industry can align with sustainable strategies and build towards a greener tomorrow through the METALCON Sustainability Learning Center sessions!  

This year’s learning sessions are jam packed with exciting sustainability-centered topics, and the speakers are eager to share their knowledge and insights on how you can make an impact through metal! No matter your role in the metal industry, there’s a way to use the knowledge gained from these sessions to make a difference.  

Start off the convention with “Improve Sustainability of Pre-Painted Metal with Radiation Cured Coatings,” a panel discussion centered around the use of radiation-curable coatings as a sustainable product. In this session, participants will discuss the types of radiation curing and their sustainable uses. 

Learn all there is to know about environmental product declarations in the conversation led by Hafsa Burt, “Understanding EPDs.” In this session, she will discuss the importance of embodied carbon, it’s legislative significance and how to ensure your projects are compliant with standards.  

For those interested in learning more about designing and building with metal as the preferred sustainable material source, tune in to the session, “Why Design and Build with Metal – The Most Sustainable Construction Material Available.” This session will cover the history of metal building and how materials have changed for their current uses and what their potential might be in the future.  

Certain metals are best suited for uses in different regions across the world, and it is important to be specific in choosing certain materials depending on a home or building’s location. To learn about choosing the most envionmentally friendly and sustainable metals for different climates, tune in to the “Choosing the Right Metals for the Environment” session.  

There are many more sessions being presented by the learning center this year that center around the topic of sustainability. Learn more about the upcoming sessions at METALCON. 

Learn more about METALCON in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.metalcon.com.

About Anna

Anna Lockhart is a content administrator/writer for the Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she’s not working, she’s most likely to be found with her nose in a book or attempting to master a new cookie recipe. 

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