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Aspiring to be Bob the Builder

IKO Good Better Best
February 28, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

By Cayden Wemple. 

Donovan Morgan and Danny Felippelli of Roofs By Don and Jack Gottesman of IKO go to great lengths to be at the top of the industry.  

Being the best in a field that you’re passionate about is something that a lot of people desire. Some people go into music to sell out Radio City Music Hall. Others dedicate their lives to basketball to play in the NBA. And for those in roofing, you do it because you are a true craftsman and want to provide the best roofs for your customers. In a recent Roofing Road Trips podcast, Heidi J. Ellsworth visits with Donovan Morgan and Danny Filippelli of Roofs by Don and with Jack Gottesman of IKO to talk about how they strive to be at the top of the roofing industry.  

Donavan Morgan is new to the roofing industry, but he’s certainly making a name for himself. He told Heidi, “I felt like if I'm going to be in roofing, then I need to be the top person.” And when we think of construction superstars, what’s the first name that comes to mind? Of course, it’s the guy we all know and love: Bob the Builder. “The best person I see roofing is like Bob the Builder. He's the main construction guy, he has his own cartoon, he has the action figures. So right now we're competing to be Bob the Builder.” Donovan wants to make his customers feel like stars too. In his pitch to customers, he’ll often say, “Hey, we're going to make your home a model home again. We're going to make you feel like you're Mr. and Mrs. HGTV." This makes the customer feel like they are the center of attention and that their contractors are working hard for them.  

Roofs by Don connects with customers because they are transparent with them. One example of this is with the process of their insurance claims. They use a drone and take photographic evidence of things that may be claimable. Danny told Heidi what he tells customers: “’Hey, we're not even going to get up on the roof. We're not going to make you feel uncomfortable. We're going to use the drone.’ We actually show the proof, which makes the customer more comfortable with us in the claim process.” 

Both Roofs by Don and IKO are also doing amazing in the social media game. When you think about the roofing industry, you might not think that social media is a vital tool like it is in entertainment. However, social media in roofing is just as key to growing business as it is in any other industry. Jack of IKO told the host, “Social media expands your neighborhood. When you keep up with your neighbors, you're keeping up with people in different states, and potentially across the country.”  

Listen to the podcast to learn more about these hard worker’s passion for the roofing industry.  

Learn more about IKO Industries in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit www.iko.com

About Cayden  

Cayden is a reporter for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When he isn’t writing about roofs, he’s usually playing guitar or writing songs for his musical endeavors.

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