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Army Veteran’s Service Comes Back to Her Tenfold in Form of a New Roof

RCS Habitat for Humanity Veteran
May 24, 2021 at 6:00 a.m.

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter.  

The community leapt into action to provide Danja Miller with a desperately needed new roof, thanking her for her service.  

The roof of Danja Miller’s Portsmouth home was deteriorating. She had pots and pans set up inside to catch water, “Some of the spots got really, really bad, to the point where I was scared,” Danja told WTKR3. Water was leaking through her lights and fixtures, through the corners, the roof was sinking and there were cracks through the ceiling.  

Danja is a retired and disabled veteran who served in the U.S. Army for 10 and a half years as a motor transport operator. The roof had been a huge problem for her through the past year, and she didn’t know how she was going to possibly pay for the repairs she desperately needed. “I couldn’t figure how to budget. I couldn’t figure how to save. I couldn't figure out how to do it,” says Danja. 

“This is a problem for many veterans, as they get older their own start deteriorating in a number of ways. The most important part of the house starts to go, which is the roof, and they don't know how to fix it,” Chesapeake VFW 2894 Service Officer Jim Ireland told WTKR3. 

Habitat for Humanity South Hampton Roads worked with Veterans Helping Veterans in Chesapeake to help provide her with a new roof. The SRS Raise the Roof Foundation received an urgent request to help Danja and their Superior Distribution branch in Norfolk sprang into action, donating the materials needed for a new, safe and strong roof for Danja.  

“I was truly amazed at the process of it. I didn’t know that existed.” Danja told 13NewsNow. “Now I feel important, and I didn’t feel that way before. If I could dance, I would do a jig.” 

Mike Pease of the Superior Distribution branch in Norfolk says he is proud to be among the SRS team that helps veterans like Danja and others in need.  

“I will never forget it,” said Danja to WTKR3. “Service to my country comes back to serve me. Can you believe this?” 

Do you know of someone in the industry who is ‘doing good deeds’ in their community? Help us catch them at it. Send news and information to info@rooferscoffeeshop.com. 

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