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Arizona Roofing Contractors Association Q4 Letter from the President

Nov - IndNews - ARCA - Arizona Roofing Contractors Association Q4 Letter from the President
November 28, 2018 at 12:26 p.m.

By Ron Gibbons, Pioneer Roofing, ARCA President

The old adage of “when it rains it pours” has certainly served us well this year as the yearly monsoon season actually deluged the state with that ever rare commodity in the desert — water.

We even experienced a bit of hail in a few swatches of the state, which is always good for our industry in general. From conversations I had at our annual expo, it seems everyone is experiencing a significant backlog in work — in many cases jobs are scheduled out for 3-5 months.

We had a few hiccups at Expo this year and I want to thank all of you who attended for taking it in stride and rolling with the punches. The Expo committee works diligently to get every event detail right, but certain things fall outside their control, such as the quality of food at the resort, which was regrettably subpar. I think it is safe to say the experience soured many of us (no pun intended) on returning to the Prescott Resort anytime in the near future.

Next year we will be returning to Little America for our 50th Annual Expo. The last time we held our event there, about 35% of the rooms had been remodeled. Today, the entire complex is remodeled and the Expo Committee (under the leadership of Michelle Brown and new co-chair Pete Schmautz) will begin meeting in January to prepare for the September 19-21 events. Please mark your calendars per the ‘save the date’ flyer in this Basesheet and plan to join in the festivities.

Before moving on from Expo, once again I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Expo Committee for all their hard work, tireless diligence to details, and the comraderie always exhibited at our gathering. A lot of new folks chipping in this year and I know many of those contributors came from the NWiR and Young Pro ranks.

To switch gears a bit — our next great networking event will be the Annual Holiday Party at Camp Social. Last year, I joined over 100 other attendees to a well-planned and fun-filled evening that closed out another successful year of ARCA events. Plan on joining me there on Thursday, December 13th.

By now you will have received your 2019 membership/sponsorship renewal packets in the mail. I would like to thank you in advance for positively considering your continued support of ARCA and/or increasing

Learn more about ARCA and becoming a member.

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