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Acrocrete is More Than a Pretty Coating or Finish

Master Builders Acrocrete
December 5, 2021 at 6:00 a.m.

By Master Builders Solutions.  

Acrocrete offers a variety of durable wall systems that protect the home and look beautiful doing it. 

Master Builders Solutions Acrocrete Surfacing Systems provide decorative finishes that go above and beyond to protect your structure. Acrocrete offers a variety of wall finishes and coatings that can be tailored to address specific project needs. Designed to help provide durable and attractive exteriors, you will be sure to find a winning combination of beauty and functionality. 

Master Builders features three Acrocrete coatings that can be used for graphics or as a coating for exterior wall surfaces such as concrete, stucco, unit masonry, acrylic base coat in sealant joints and to change the color of compatible textured finish: 

Color coat: 100% acrylic-based coating. Designed for spray-, roller-, or brush-application over Acrocrete finishes with minimum change in finish texture or sheen.  

Senerlastic coating: Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic-based smooth elastomeric coating that provides excellent flexibility and weatherability. This is an ideal coating for new construction and renovation. Designed to be used over prepared plaster/stucco, concrete, masonry, precast, cast-in-place concrete, cement block and other approved substrates, this coating provides a decorative and protective coating that repels water and resists wind driven rain. 

Tersus color coat: A modified acrylic coating designed to provide excellent water repellency and enhanced resistance to environmental soiling. This coating contains water repellent properties that make the surface hydrophobic as well as more resistant to mold and mildew. When rainwater contacts the surface, it beads and carries away dirt, soil and debris in its pathway. The built in anti-soiling properties of the coating resist dirt and staining, reducing maintenance costs and extending a building’s aesthetic appearance. 

Master Builders also features three 100% acrylic polymer finishes with advanced technology to improve long-term performance and dirt pick-up resistance: 

Acrotex: A 100% acrylic polymer-based finish with high solids formulation, Acrotex offers long-term durability and weather resistance. Used over cement-based surfaces, Acrotex is flexible enough to seal existing, non-moving hairline cracks, thereby providing protection against degradation caused by moisture and pollution intrusion. Acrotex offers excellent abrasion and dirt pick-up resistance.  

Acroflex: An acrylic-based elastomeric finish. Elastomeric finishes go beyond the limits of traditional cement-based and acrylic finishes. Acroflex is specifically designed to protect cement-based substrates with hairline cracks (smaller than 1/32") that may expand and contract due to extreme temperature changes. Flexible and weatherproof.  

Acrotex Tersus: With similar qualities as Tersus color coat, Acrotex Tersus is a modified acrylic textured finish designed to provide excellent water repellency and enhanced resistance to environmental soiling. The water repellent properties of the finishes make the surface hydrophobic as well as more resistant to mold and mildew. The built-in anti-soiling properties of the finishes resist dirt and staining reducing maintenance costs and extending a building’s aesthetic appeal. 

Learn more about Master Builders Solutions in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit www.master-builders-solutions.com

Photo credit: Master Builders Solutions

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