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5 Tips to Prevent Property Damage in Roofing

November 20, 2016 at 3:37 p.m.

By Equipter

Using the right equipment is just one part of preventing property damage. Here are more tips for achieving a damage-free work zone.

Sometimes damage happens despite your crews being as careful and conscientious as possible. When it happens, roofing contractors end up compensating homeowners and losing profit on the job. Here are five tips that can help you reduce the chance for damage and improve your bottom line on the job.

1. Do a pre-installation inspection

A pre-installation inspection does more than reveal hidden damage you may need to address during roof replacement; it can also identify previously-existing damage. Examine the roof as well as features like attics, gutters, flashing, siding, shutters, chimneys, skylights, and vents.

2. Make note of and photograph trouble spots

Take photos and notes. After the inspection, review documentation of pre-existing damage with the client. Save the images and a record of the conversation in the client’s file so you can refer to them if property damage accusations arise later. If you don’t use a CRM that can store photos in client files, consider using platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox to save pics and make them easily accessible.

  1. Inspect the property after the job is completed.

Ensure the roofing replacement process has gone smoothly with a follow-up inspection and documentation photos. As with the pre-job inspection, keep these on file so you can access them later if needed.

4. Use the right tools on the job

Even when you move or cover every property feature possible, falling debris and cumbersome equipment can ding or destroy siding, trees, HVAC units, and more. But you can decrease the risk by investing in professional-level equipment. For example, a magnetic nail sweeper will reduce the risk of punctures in residents, pets and tires. For more thorough damage prevention, consider the RB4000 by Equipter, a compact, drivable, raisable dump container that streamlines material handling.

5. Train employees

Train new hires on your process for protecting homeowners’ properties. It’s also a smart idea to regularly review damage prevention with crew members. Listen to input from crew members, too; since they’re on the job daily they may have insight into how to more effectively reduce property damage for long-term savings.

What’s been your company’s best money-saving technique to prevent property damage in roofing? Let us know at Equipter on Facebook.


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December 21, 2016
I don't know much about how to prevent roof damage. However, I just bought my first home and I want it to stay in good shape for a long while. I liked your suggestion about using the proper tools. It does seem like that would make things go faster and smo

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