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3 Ways Your Company Can Work Smarter, Not Harder

November 24, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

By utilizing these tools, your company can improve how they do business. 

Every roofing company that has found success has done so by constantly striving to run their business as efficiently as possible. While adapting to the difficulties of the past few years, companies have still found success by actively improving the way they do business. Today, it’s imperative that contractors use technology and customer relationship management (CRM) tools to make their work easier and more efficient overall. 

In an article from Jobba, they outlined these three ways roofing companies can work smarter, not harder: 

1 – Drone technology 

Using drone technology has a wide range of benefits for your business. You can use drone data to gather footage of roofing damage and create models and maps. Drone data can also be used to ease the estimation process. You can share the visual data with customers to show them their damages and give them a more accurate estimation of what their roof needs. Jobba recommends using Imagine Technologies Group’s services, especially to help reduce the cost and time-wasting process of inspections.  

2 – Mobile platforms 

The life of a roofer is a busy one and you are likely always on the move. You won’t always have time to sit down at your desk to process payments or orders. That’s why Jobba suggests using a mobile CRM platform, to increase the functionality of your business. Through Jobba’s mobile platform, you can automate order workflows, order materials, and keep track of billing details without needing to be at your computer. Jobba also works with Google Maps to help you quickly obtain measurements from the worksite of any future projects. 

3 – Streamline your work processes 

Roofing contractors are well aware of the material and labor shortages the industry has been up against. Jobba states that “weathering these material shortages and cost increases is all about communicating, that’s why you need a platform in your business toolkit that streamlines communication across the board.” 

At the end of the day, you want to have the best tools at your disposal to streamline your workplace processes. Updating the status of jobs, scheduling jobs, and handling inspections can be tricky to navigate without a technology platform to simplify the tasks. Jobba is specifically designed to be easy to use for every step of a project and for every department. By using a CRM like Jobba, you’ll find that your company is more equipped to handle even the largest roofing project. 

Learn more about Jobba Trade Technologies in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit www.jobba.com

About Evelyn  

Evelyn works as a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When she isn’t writing about roofing, she’s either at the gym lifting weights or curled up on the couch watching a movie.  

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