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3 reasons drones are the future for home inspections

EagleView Assess Drone Technology
February 8, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

By Dani Sheehan. 

Move away from time-consuming and risky methods of boots-on-the-roof inspections and see how drone technology can improve your everyday business operations. 

If science fiction movies have taught us anything, it’s that technology is the future. Where they have it slightly wrong, however, is usually in these movies, the reliance on technology has negative connotations and soon the world is being taken over by robots. In reality, technology is revolutionizing modern industries, including the home inspection industry, allowing businesses to be safer, more efficient and more thorough than ever before. EagleView Assess™ drones can more accurately assess roofs and keep your employees on the ground while providing high quality imagery that’s easy to use and specifically designed for roofing. 

Benefits of using drone technology 

1 – Safety first 

Not only are in-person inspections time consuming, but they are also inherently dangerous for the inspector climbing the ladder. It takes a considerable amount of time to find the right access points and safely prepare the site before the inspection even begins. Additionally, some roofs are not suitable for manual inspections, either because of a challenging location or dangerous condition. Drones reduce the risk and cost of an inspection, making inaccessible roofs more accessible. Rather than worrying about potential hazards, time and the ability to be thorough in your inspection, you can focus on creating a more positive customer experience. 

2 – Improved quality and accuracy 

Once your inspector is on the roof, it can sometimes be difficult to properly inspect everything, and the human eye is unable to catch every detail. Accuracy is incredibly important in this business, and customers deserve the best quality when investing in a new roof or repairs. Drones provide high-quality digital imagery that can spot potential damage unseen by the human eye. With the drone solutions EagleView Assess provide, you’ll be able to create a digital roof reproduction after the inspection for a more comprehensive and detailed report of the repairs needed.  

3 – Seamlessly grow and scale your business 

While business may ebb and flow between peak and slower seasons, your payroll and staff will remain consistent all year long! Drones allow for a greater number of roof inspections, making your business more efficient without compromising safety or quality. Accommodate the needs of peak buying season without worrying about layoffs when the season slows, and never feel the need to turn business away or rush a job. Spend time investing in other areas and see how quickly your business will grow. 

Learn more with EagleView Assess and see how easy home inspections can be when you add drone technology to your business.  

Photo source: EagleView Assess

About Dani

Dani is a writer for The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she's not writing or researching, she's teaching yoga classes or exploring new hiking trails.

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