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November 24, 2009 at 4:28 p.m.

OLE Willie

Sorry dude but i don't think your ranting is going to get me more referrals! I get plenty as it is without any further efforts beyond being professional,doing a great job and providing excellent service after the sale. If i was trying to overtake the roofing world then im pretty sure i would be interested in your service and a lot of others. But im not. I do VERY well as is. P.S. If you really want to make money and have a long lasting business then i think you need to learn that its all about relationships. As in making friends! Which is all i think Jed preferred you do first before you just jump in here trying to make money for yourself on a roofers forum that is not for advertising your service. Not in this area of the site its not. As far as YOU getting referrals, you are off to a miserable start. At this rate you will be your own worst enemy. Good Luck!

November 24, 2009 at 4:21 p.m.


And i suggest that if you are that smart Jed boy or any one of you in here to get on the phone and call every company in america that has a sponsored link wioth google or any search engine and tell them how stupid they are. Im sure they would love to hear how you can do it better. For all of your bashing of my ideas i havent heard one comment on how you would do it better than i have....

Keep in mind my company and my propursuit model is only 1 year old. 1200 companies nationwide is a great start and i will only be getting bigger no matter what you or anyone else says on here because i back up what i say.

November 24, 2009 at 4:06 p.m.


And if you want the truth, i was willing to pay the 1,000 a month to get my name out on this site but my calls were never returned for a press packet. Now i see that i saved myself some money too considering hardly any traffic comes here and for the most part roofing companies that are truly busy and want more work dont spend their time here because they are out making money!!!!! I am also in the process of starting a brand new roofing forum that will surpass the rankings of sites like this and it will be complete by fall of 2010. It is my mission now in learning how these forums are created and how they work to build the ultimate roofing forum/company directory in the US by this time next year. Good luck.

P.S I will also be the Admin of the forum so i can delete- posts and block people that i presume to not agree with. Forget about freedom of speech or fair trade or having an open mind and sharing ideas for which the forum itself was intended for. If I dont like it, it will be banned. Sound Familiar? NRG huh? Who gives a rats ass about NRG? Invite only? Sounds like a major sausage party. Count me out Jed boy, i dont swing a hammer that way.

November 24, 2009 at 4:01 p.m.


And speaking of professionalism Jed boy im not the one with green paint all over my face. Real professional.

November 24, 2009 at 3:59 p.m.


Jed Said:For the uninitiated here are is a sample of comments this dipshit is generating at NRG.

Okay,people,Here`s the story,I`ve gotten calls 3-4 tmes from this girl/s that say ,Hi I`m calling from Anchor roofing based in long island (well away from my area),We have requests for roofing services that we are unable to handle as we don`t work that area,please call me back at 1(516)442-2222,ext.300,so we can pass them on to you--Ok,I`ve learned some stuff here,So I google the co.+location,get website who`s calling from the # specified,also leads to website propursuit.com,Guy insists he`s the #1 website for roofing (in any state),just google roofing,he`s there,but in the yellow,which means he pays to be there,ok he has $,but does he have anything to do with roofing,or is he another service magic.etc. On his site claims cost of 250.00 per zone for 1st month,then following 11 months are free as promotion,I talk to the guy(refraining from use of chucklehead here),who says yes 250 then rest of year free,I say 250.00 per month ?,and he lays down rap I just mentioned,and adds to it that each year thereafter,it`s only 250.00 per year because he`s always gonna do the promotion,zone area equivalent to a county,approx. 250,000 people in zone--I do see where he`s gotten into spats ,and been thrown off roofing.com ,Sorry to be so long winded people,but I am really curious as to anyone possibly having actual experience with this co.,or even having some knowledge of it-I doubt I`m the only one here who gets solicited,really want to know if it`s on the upside or not,and bring it to our peoples atention if indeed he`s just a mooch with no redeeming qualities,Thank you for your replies -------------------------------

I get a call from them at least once per week as well. Got a message from them yesterday:

Hi, this is Jackie from Anchor Roofing in New York. The reason Im calling is my company has been receiving numerous service calls throughout the state of Texas for roofing work. Unfortunately Texas is a state that we do not service, so we were looking to re-direct. Please call XXX-XXX-XXXX...

Clearly I will not be calling them back... PITA! --------------------------------------

Ive gotten calls from that jerk too.

He is buying the exact match keyword roofing in Googles Adsense program.

So if someone types the wording roofing in Google, hell show up in the top slot. If you type anything with roofing , like roofing contractor he wont show up. Its not a good strategy to get leads. He is stealing money. If it was a good way to get leads you could outbid Whorey Corey yourself and save like 80%. The other pitfall is that he is likely to quit bidding for the keyword and go crawl back under his rock. I did a search for Anchor roofing on Long Island and one for his name and came up basically blank.

Hold on to your money, this guy is a complete ripoff.


I agree,he has a local company that he said was signed/listed with him,I called my friend,and he was shocked,Told me he thought it was a ripoff too-I had those exact thought myself ,regarding the pay per click.


I got a call from him once and I managed to pi$$ him off. I told him I would not talk to him about anything until he told me how much he charges for the lead. So he said he has the best marketing system of any roofer in the country and hung up on me.

I dont deal with tire kickers.... I dont charge per lead. Nice to quote a site called whocallsme.com I know it well... And for anyone here who just isnt smart enough to actually get it. Sponsored links on google are sponsored for a reason. BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE CLICK ON THEM!!!! Is any roofing company who deals with google direct and pays per click are they all morons too?? Is google a scam too or any other seach engine for that matter???? Is yellow book a scam because they realized that they had to take thier company online because nobody except backwoods hicks read the phone book! Why you think the yellow book charges 20k a year for a full page ad??? Because they have to and they prey on the stupid! I hold the #1 position in the US for roofing ands in every state roofing is typed in more by the general public. There is novoby in here that can dispute that!!! There is not a roofer in here that can outbid me for my position because that takes alot of $$$$ since the company that was in the position before we was a company called GAF. You might of heard of them. Are they a scam too???? Lets get one thing straight here. This site lists competitors of mine praising them on their homepage like e local roofers and its only for financial gain. Am i wrong Jed BOY? Whats the difference between a company like E local roofers and myself. They call companies too, they buy sponsored links with google to list roofers there as well. For every one of me that you say i am scum there are 30 of me at e-local. Do you really think Vickie gives a rats ass about whether or not you get leads from e local??? UH nope as long as she gets her referral check every month. So all of you get off your high horses and stop with the BS and lets be real. You post on a site everyday bashing me which makes you look even more foolish because this site is affiliated with companies that do the same thing i do. And for the record more keywords for my site are being bought as we speak and like i have stated all along you have no idea how many other websites i have listed organically all over the country. Learn who you are speaking with before you make comments about things you know nothing about. Funny i was referred to this site by someone who uses my service. My service is geared towrds helping roofers get more business not stroking your ego. I have generated millions of dollars in business for roofers all over the country and have help companies 1 by 1 as opposed to making each company feel like a number. Thats why i hung up on you when you called because i knew a mile away you were a tire kicker!!! Give me a little credit, i know when someone is interested and when someone is wasting my time. Rooferscoffeeshop profits off of you signing up with my competitors like e local. Prove me wrong any of you! All of these sites including this one are for money making purposes. Get a clue.

Whorey Corey I like that reminds me 2nd grade when the bully tried to pick a fight with me and then got his ass kicked!

November 18, 2009 at 12:50 p.m.


For the uninitiated here are is a sample of comments this dipshit is generating at NRG.

Okay,people,Here`s the story,I`ve gotten calls 3-4 tmes from this girl/s that say ,Hi I`m calling from Anchor roofing based in long island (well away from my area),We have requests for roofing services that we are unable to handle as we don`t work that area,please call me back at 1(516)442-2222,ext.300,so we can pass them on to you--Ok,I`ve learned some stuff here,So I google the co.+location,get website who`s calling from the # specified,also leads to website propursuit.com,Guy insists he`s the #1 website for roofing (in any state),just google roofing,he`s there,but in the yellow,which means he pays to be there,ok he has $,but does he have anything to do with roofing,or is he another service magic.etc. On his site claims cost of 250.00 per zone for 1st month,then following 11 months are free as promotion,I talk to the guy(refraining from use of chucklehead here),who says yes 250 then rest of year free,I say 250.00 per month ?,and he lays down rap I just mentioned,and adds to it that each year thereafter,it`s only 250.00 per year because he`s always gonna do the promotion,zone area equivalent to a county,approx. 250,000 people in zone--I do see where he`s gotten into spats ,and been thrown off roofing.com ,Sorry to be so long winded people,but I am really curious as to anyone possibly having actual experience with this co.,or even having some knowledge of it-I doubt I`m the only one here who gets solicited,really want to know if it`s on the upside or not,and bring it to our peoples atention if indeed he`s just a mooch with no redeeming qualities,Thank you for your replies -------------------------------

I get a call from them at least once per week as well. Got a message from them yesterday:

"Hi, this is Jackie from Anchor Roofing in New York. The reason I'm calling is my company has been receiving numerous service calls throughout the state of Texas for roofing work. Unfortunately Texas is a state that we do not service, so we were looking to re-direct. Please call XXX-XXX-XXXX..."

Clearly I will not be calling them back... PITA! --------------------------------------

I've gotten calls from that jerk too.

He is buying the exact match keyword "roofing" in Google's Adsense program.

So if someone types the wording "roofing" in Google, he'll show up in the top slot. If you type anything with "roofing" , like "roofing contractor" he won't show up. It's not a good strategy to get leads. He is stealing money. If it was a good way to get leads you could outbid Whorey Corey yourself and save like 80%. The other pitfall is that he is likely to quit bidding for the keyword and go crawl back under his rock. I did a search for Anchor roofing on Long Island and one for his name and came up basically blank.

Hold on to your money, this guy is a complete ripoff.


I agree,he has a local company that he said was signed/listed with him,I called my friend,and he was shocked,Told me he thought it was a ripoff too-I had those exact thought myself ,regarding the pay per click.


I got a call from him once and I managed to pi$$ him off. I told him I would not talk to him about anything until he told me how much he charges for the lead. So he said he has the best marketing system of any roofer in the country and hung up on me.

November 18, 2009 at 12:29 p.m.


Makingroofers$$$ Said: Whats NRG??? And at best i see about 4 roofers in here and they are the same ones all the time... i dont come on here for 3 weeks and the first comment i make, jed you have to be a smart guy dont ya?? My rep in here isnt shot and never was. Dont know what you are talking about bud. Any roofer in here that reads this that is a U.S. based company and wants to increase or work thier customer base please contact me direct. I can help you more so than any other roofer or advertiser thats on this site. And for your information jed boy, the only reason I am not a paid advertiser on this site is because i already spoke with vickie and basically called her out on everything and people in here agreed with me. The only reason this site has e local pasted all over it is because she is paid a referral fee for having you guys sign up. Its true and anyonme is has half a brain knows that. Too bad i am above e local when it comes to roofing. Have A GREAT DAY!!! GO TO GOOGLE AND TYPE IN ROOFING. SEE WHOS UP TOP!

Shame you can't get into NRG. The reason is, it is by invite only and a major prick such as yourself isn't wanted, or tolerated. I for one don't see why Steve has'nt kicked you out of here already. Keep up with the 'boy" label, that kind of mindset shows just how truly proffessional your operation clearly isn't.

November 18, 2009 at 10:57 a.m.

OLE Willie

Hey "dude"! This is a roofers forum for roofers communicating with other roofers about topics related to their day to day work adventures. This is not the place for you to sell your services. I think that is all Jed is trying to say. You are not coming on here and sharing anything of value to us. We dont need or want your service. He is telling you to advertise your services in the proper place and not in our forum topics and replys. You are wasting your time trying to push it upon us. Buzz off!! BOY!

November 18, 2009 at 9:30 a.m.


Whats NRG??? And at best i see about 4 roofers in here and they are the same ones all the time... i dont come on here for 3 weeks and the first comment i make, jed you have to be a smart guy dont ya?? My rep in here isnt shot and never was. Dont know what you are talking about bud. Any roofer in here that reads this that is a U.S. based company and wants to increase or work thier customer base please contact me direct. I can help you more so than any other roofer or advertiser thats on this site. And for your information jed boy, the only reason I am not a paid advertiser on this site is because i already spoke with vickie and basically called her out on everything and people in here agreed with me. The only reason this site has e local pasted all over it is because she is paid a referral fee for having you guys sign up. Its true and anyonme is has half a brain knows that. Too bad i am above e local when it comes to roofing. Have A GREAT DAY!!! GO TO GOOGLE AND TYPE IN ROOFING. SEE WHOS UP TOP!

November 17, 2009 at 10:49 p.m.

OLE Willie

Very few Ciak! It has rained more this year than any year i can remember. Only had 1 or 2 storms back in the spring. Otherwise just rain every couple days all year long. And this happened after a record drought in 07 and slow economy in 08. So that recipe has made for a lot of work this year. One of the spring storms brought some nickel to golf ball sized hail in isolated areas. Was not a widespread hail storm but this is the largest metro area in the state so there was some work from it to go around. A few storm chasers even came from out of state but i dont think they got a whole lot out of it. We dont chase storms nor do we particularly care for dealing with insurance claims but we will when requested by one of our customers. But we do not start the ball rolling. They call us!

November 17, 2009 at 6:55 p.m.


Ole willie Good for you man . How many of the leads are insurance related ?

November 17, 2009 at 6:18 p.m.

OLE Willie

I guess we all start to think like that at times. I was thinking that way last week after running about 9 repair leads in one day and not getting anything on the spot. It was the longest day i had worked in quite some time and im used to getting at least half of the leads i run. The next day i started off selling 3 in a row on the spot and then my cell phone began ringing from some of the 9 i had done the day before wanting their work done as well. lol

November 17, 2009 at 10:19 a.m.


Dude, your reputation is shot if you are the same guy that is currently being villified over on NRG so you're wasting your time here. If not, then ignore my last.

November 17, 2009 at 8:38 a.m.


If anyone in here wants to spend less to get more.... talk to me... i know where folks go to find a local roofer online and 10 times more than any yellow book at a tenth of the cost. Give me a shout and ill show you.

November 17, 2009 at 2:02 a.m.


"There just aren't many guys out there with your skill level!"

That is an understatement to be sure.

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