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April 26, 2013 at 4:28 p.m.

Mike H

Webmaster Steve Said: There are some in the forum archives


Torched over EPDM????

Now that was a fun stroll down memory lane LOL

April 26, 2013 at 4:25 p.m.


There are sites that record web sites one is called web archive (I think) worth looking up it may hold some of those treasures.

This thread is turning into a reunion, well it's better than my first time around when Tom (twill) took exception to my English UK spelling :)

A pleasure as always to be subjected to the writings of Egg and Mike H.

April 26, 2013 at 3:55 p.m.

Mike H

( made me laugh Gerry )

April 26, 2013 at 3:13 p.m.


spudder Said: Im taxing my memory if there is anything left, I too have my asphalt mastic and greenstone key chain, fro Mike and Marlene, one morning I reeived a phone call from the Kiwi land it was Marlene and Mike just calling to chat lol Yep a lot of fine memories still locked up in the old brain. Question for Peter 1 are you the old Peter from Ireland I think that i called you way back when right before you decided to go pellet Good time by all I do remember the group meeting up in Orland Fl sponsered by RCS and crew Oh well time to take the kiddies to school

I recall receiving an email from a semi retired roofer in Florida who had been through heart surgery, well without thinking I picked up the telephone dialed the long distance number and let the phone ring......and ring...and ring until a man answered and in a husky voice (needed a glass of water);

Hello Who? Peter? WTF it's 4am here.

I had completely forgotten about time zones and the fact that some people actually go to bed and sleep :)

Well he got his drink and we had a long chat all about stuff n nothin.

If that's what you recall then I guess it's the same Peter.

April 26, 2013 at 12:12 p.m.

Mike H


... memories are the chocolate of life.

My mastic encrusted abolone shell sits front and center on my desk to this very day. It gets more questions than anything in my office. So does a deer antler pen, turned on a Tom Hay lathe, a little info piece on Shakers and a Google Earth image of this beautiful little piece of farmland on a riverbend near Harrodsburg, KY that serves to remind me of a truly wonderful evening of back porch conversation. Also there are a couple of locking aluminum shingles that I will never use, but always appreciate. And a picture of a ponytailed dude and his skinny little buddy sitting around my fire ring (that little guy is now a 6' plus Marine). And a picture of a precious little Hart that serves to remind me of my many blessings, and to pray for my friends.

In my kitchen cupboard remains the ONCE used bottle of some kind of military designed tongue remover sent to me by a porcelain tongued naked dude in VA.

In my desk drawer, there are the certified financial records of 3 different contractors that sent me their info so we could spend hours on the phone to determine their true overhead and get their business back on track.

Perhaps not as singularly important as the Hart, but the most treasured for the good and genuine friendship it represents is the first run copy of "Something Has to Change, Little Change - Big Results" by Mark Lefty Holencik.

Then there are the memories of the volumes of generational knowledge, freely shared, through countless hours of composition...... nuggets and turds that I always said "Someday, I'll have my son read all this stuff in XYZ and ABC threads".... I often thought I should copy and paste some of this stuff to hand down.... But I thought it would always be there, and I could just do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow came, and the nuggets and turds were lost. My passion for writing on forums was also lost that day. I'm sorry Vickie, but for my part, that's where I went. A piece of me died that day as I thought of all the times my son tried to talk to me while I was regurgitating on the interwebs. I vowed never to let it happen again.

I will always treasure the friendships, but I have decided to spend more time in quiet, learning by observing the many things I don't know, instead of spending time in ignorance as i spew the little I'm sure about. Gaining new wisdom through the eyes of grandchildren, for I was too busy to learn it from my son.

Thank you for the thread. It is always a genuine treat to read Egg when he's been touched by a memory.

Whether you knew me as: Wordy (Scott) Captain Vacation (Bull) The King Albert Einstein The Village Shingle Idiot The Anti-Christ (SoCal) Friend or Foe, I simply say...

God Bless and thank you for sharing a piece of you with me, Mike H

April 26, 2013 at 7:32 a.m.


I'm taxing my memory if there is anything left, I too have my asphalt mastic and greenstone key chain, fro Mike and Marlene, one morning I reeived a phone call from the Kiwi land it was Marlene and Mike just calling to chat lol Yep a lot of fine memories still locked up in the old brain. Question for Peter 1 are you the old Peter from Ireland I think that i called you way back when right before you decided to go pellet Good time by all I do remember the group meeting up in Orland Fl sponsered by RCS and crew Oh well time to take the kiddies to school

April 25, 2013 at 8:24 p.m.


Well Vickie nothing much changes only on page 2 and already miles off the topic :)

Nice job Old School, hard to tell the difference in the quality between the different slates, well done.

April 25, 2013 at 6:32 a.m.

Old School

Steve, would I do that after I had dumped the images onto the site? In other words, right now I post the link on the URL and people can click on that and get the pictures. Are you saying that I can post the link and then do the things you are talking about and the pictures will show up on the coffee shop when people long onto the thread?

It is really hard to re-train an "old school"

OS!! go to edit and you can see how this image is linked from picasas

the image url is http://lh6.ggpht.com/-B444rlQMxIc/UXctlM8GiRI/AAAAAAAAKZ8/yMIX5QZoLtw/s640/DSCN0832.JPG

April 24, 2013 at 8:19 p.m.

Old School

Vaa, I am about to try and post some photos like that instead of having it on a seperate link. That doesn't sound good. =%$&-2@!() Really!

April 24, 2013 at 12:04 a.m.


Mike, they might not have their mastic asphalt samples, but I assure you I still have mine. It has a tiny piece of mother-of-pearl embedded in the top surface and hasn't aged a day. I also have some square-cut copper slate nails Peter sent me. I've got an HRI jacket but I ate the maple candy a long old time ago. And of course, I have the RCS coffee mug.

I'll have to take a picture of that set of keys. Along with the greenstone and the keys I've got an old flat Sears pocket screwdriver on it from one of my grandfathers.

Of course I also have the Thos. Jefferson two-dollar bill my dad gave me when I came of age. What I do not have is a Dick Tracy two-way wrist radio, but I'm ready for pretty much any other emergency so long as nobody tries to off me with one of those new drones when I'm least expecting it.

April 23, 2013 at 2:51 p.m.


Hi Mike,

I still have the prize you put up for a whole lot of questions, now that I think about it I'm old enough to wear it on a gold chain.

Some people might want to hear a long story about where it originated from and how I got it, boy does that open possibilities :)

Others might look shake their heads and mumble "There goes another one in mid life crisis" LOL

Say Hello to Marlene for me.

April 23, 2013 at 11:34 a.m.


Hi Vickie,

Whatever decisions you made way back then were the right decisions for that day, don't go back unless there is something to be learned from the past.

I remember when Frank left, he was probably what would be called a moderator on the new type sites, the Guys are right we all were new to the internet and the topics discussed were not really what the family wanted to hear about because they didn't understand what we actually did all day.

RCS was one of the first and I reckon the longest running forum, one things for sure there never was and never will be another like it.

Personally I don't like Facebook, far too invasive for my liking.

April 22, 2013 at 1:21 p.m.


Thank You all for your insightful answers. I actually feel a little better. Perhaps it might have run it's course without my forum killing interference. I think that it might comeback strong when we are all senile and forgot what we wrote. Then we'll be hopping again!

I really do think a huge plus is the photos of projects that people post. I love them! Old School is my hero and I was thrilled to see Mike NZ/VAA's post the other day.

I'll just keep plugging along, keeping it online and promoted and let it do what it is supposed to do.

Thanks Friends!

April 21, 2013 at 2:24 a.m.

OLE Willie

PS If it makes you feel any better, I tried 3 other sites, 2 are just as slow and the only site that has any traffic to speak of is the one I mentioned in that thread. It's just a bunch of storm chasers rambling on and on about how the insurance company won't roll over and play dead! :woohoo:

April 21, 2013 at 2:20 a.m.

OLE Willie

Vickie, I still remember when I received the news from you that I had been chosen as the RCSer of the month. While I understand thats not exactly the same as winning an Oscar, it was still an honor to me. As roofers, we don't get a lot of praise, especially considering what we put into it. I still have the coffee mug and other things that you sent. Thank You!

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