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January 15, 2010 at 3:35 a.m.

Robby the Roofer

I posted about a month ago of the several three job offers I had. One I declined becasue they no longer wanted a Quality Contol Manager. The seconded wanted to send me out of state and I was not financially ready. The third changed his mind after offering to start me after the first of the year.

Currently, I have no offers for the forseable futrure, I did work Jan 6th for one of my contacts, his laborers walked of the job while it was sprinkling. We got together to help right the ship. I had an accident though, past out on the roof near the gutter and fell off (9 ft off a 4/12 mobile). Doctors belive I overworked my body, is why I passed out.


8 broken ribs broken collar bone Crack on the shoulder blade partially collasped lung.....all on the right side of my body

and a broken left leg with some ligiment damaged

This all happened on the books, so I am fortunate to have all medical from L & I covering my injuries. I am sitting here in the middle of the night, my fist day home...cant sleep or lay down...too painful. Docs say it will be a 3 month rehab unless they find more issues with my leg.

January 18, 2010 at 9:22 p.m.


Get in a hot tub and you'll see how bruised you are.

At WTR, I got in the hot tub after my last falls (2). My head and neck were bruised, and from foot to neck, the bruising extended around 2/3 of my body. I looked like a kaleidoscope. Made for a neat appearance at the nudist resort and I made a great conversation piece.

January 18, 2010 at 8:50 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

Was in the hospital for almost two weeks...every day they gave me hepron (sp?. The drug that prevents clotting. Knee still swollen, but not bad...the bruise I did have stretched from my hip to the ankle and engulfed the whole outside of my leg.

CT scans didn't show anything out of the ordinary except for blood surrounding my lung, in which they drained about a liter of blood. Still had a little left when they released me the first time as the doc didn't think it would cause a stir.

January 18, 2010 at 5:55 p.m.


Hang in there dude. I can remember going days without a single minute of relief. Then one day, you realize you need both hands to count the minutes that you were pain-free. :(

January 18, 2010 at 5:30 p.m.


Did the doctors check at all for any signs of a pulmonary embolism in your lung. Almost sounds like the same problems I had. Has your broken leg been swollen much? My leg had swollen up and caused a blood clot to form which then broke off and went through my heart and into my right lung. Couldn't breath and was in severe pain.

January 18, 2010 at 4:49 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

Just spent the last two days in the hospital....After the intraveneous drugs wore off I would gulp a couple of Percecets avery four hours. Pain pills didn't work, couldn't breathe and could not get up out of bed, Wife called the paramedics and they gave me ten mils of morhine, which only cut the pain in half, and took me baack to the hospital.

They packed me up with a better pain plan to get me through the next week. It worked real well in the hospital, hope it will do the same at home.

"johnny5"...live in Tacoma. Aynyways guys, thanks for all the encouraging messages!

January 15, 2010 at 7:28 p.m.


Jeez Robby. Hope you get well soon. This is a good state for the injured worker wherabouts are you?

January 15, 2010 at 6:59 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

"Vaa" Just turned 40, but I also am packing around 300 pounds. I am a competitor and never have used my wieght and age as an issue for declining to do certain types of work. This time it has gotten the best of me.

January 15, 2010 at 6:53 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

I talked to some of the witness of my accident....I actually fell on to a framed up deck, bounced off and landed on a pile of scrap wood. I think that is where the broken leg comes into play. I also remember a large weldt on the back of my head, which went away a couple days later.

January 15, 2010 at 6:49 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

"Copperman" I think you might have pinned it, I have worked many years w/o drinking enough fluids. The closest Ive come to dehydration was in desert storm, I dug two large fox holes in the soft sand 5 ft deep and enough room to put 15 soldiers in each one stading up. I complained that I was impressed that I wasnt sweating anymore, when the medic heard that, he shut me down....They started calling me "Gomer Pyle" for awhile after that.

January 15, 2010 at 12:09 p.m.


seen-it-all Said: Sorry to hear about your accident Robbie. I know exactly what your going through as Ive been there a few times myself. Its amazing how much damage can be done from just a height of 9 feet. Make sure you document all your recovery with your family doctor as you recover as WC usually relies on medical information when determining any money for retraining-rehab-pension. In the mean time take care, heal up, keep your chin up and dont fall prey to the pain meds.

Solid advice. One of our mech's just got re-hired after a three year hiatus due to getting hooked on oxi's or somesuch that were prescribed due to an ankle injury sustained in a fall. He lost pretty much everything during that period and eventually moved in with his parents in an effort to clean up. Now the wife and kids are back in the picture and because the big boss is a saint, he got his job back. Clean for four months now, but regularly drug tested by the company. Personally I would hate to be in a position where addictive drugs are a "must". Ten yrs or so ago I did sustain a hand injury that required nine hrs of surgery, and three mth off to fix. I was given a script for a painkiller ( percodan, percocet I think it was) but never filled it, because I was terrified that I would get hooked.

January 15, 2010 at 11:59 a.m.


Good luck.......stay positive as this too shall pass.


January 15, 2010 at 11:07 a.m.

OLE Willie

Man, thats tough! A guy who was working for one of my competitors fell about 8 feet onto the concrete drive, landed on his head and was killed a couple years ago. I know you cant tell right now but it could have been much worse. Hang in there buddy and remember this too shall pass. One day at a time. :dry:

January 15, 2010 at 10:10 a.m.


Sorry to hear about your accident Robbie. I know exactly what your going through as I've been there a few times myself. It's amazing how much damage can be done from just a height of 9 feet. Make sure you document all your recovery with your family doctor as you recover as WC usually relies on medical information when determining any money for retraining-rehab-pension. In the mean time take care, heal up, keep your chin up and don't fall prey to the pain meds.

January 15, 2010 at 9:04 a.m.


Sorry about your injuries. You're in the right state for workmans comp, though. Washington is probably the most generous in the country. Get into retraining and you can be getting paid and your schooling paid for 2 or 3 more years. Guys like me will foot the bill. Well, not much of it because I limit myself to only one employee to avoid paying very much of the bill.

January 15, 2010 at 8:40 a.m.


That sucks Robby, sorry to hear it. On the up side it may be timely as you were between jobs and now won't have to worry about looking for work for a while, as you will be getting a check through W/C ? If thats the case you now have time to be a bit more choosy for when the good weather kicks in. The important thing is to rest up, as you know.

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