Year-after-year rooftop avalanches cause hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage, personal injury and even death. The best way to mitigate avalanche danger and reduce liability caused by sliding snow and ice is by installing a scientifically engineered snow retention system. In this course, you’ll discover why installing snow retention on exposed-fastened roofing is imperative for practical reasons.
Learning Objectives:
1. What is snow retention?
2. How does snow behave on a roof?
3. Why should you install snow retention?
4. What are the common objections for not installing snow guards on an exposed-fastened roof?
5. What are the options for exposed-fastened snow guards?
6. What happens when you don’t calculate your system, and you install “other solutions”?
7. How do you calculate and design a snow guard system for an exposed-fastened roof?
8. What snow guard solutions do S-5! offer for exposed-fastened metal roofs?
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