We are pleased to announce the nominating period is now open for the 2025 ORCA Board of Directors. Self-nominations will be accepted, provided you are willing to serve and participate as an ORCA Board of Directors member and Committee(s) member. Additionally, the Board President, upon the advice of the Board of Directors, will establish additional standing and/or temporary committees to carry out the work of the association.
Below is a list of requirements to serve on the ORCA Board of Directors and ORCA Committees. There are a total of eleven (11) Board of Directors positions to be filled.
Per current ORCA Bylaws - There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of fifteen (15) individual members, or a corporate member designee. The Board shall be composed of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Past President, each Committee Chairman of all standing committees of the Board, and the remainder being At-Large members with at least six (6) At-Large members being Contractor Members. This Board shall have the general control and management of the business of the corporation.
To be considered for committee eligibility, nominees must:
Please submit your nominations to ORCA Executive Director, Avery Smith via e-mail by no later than October 31, 2024.
Please include the following contact details for each nominee: