By Katelyn Bilicich, RoofSnap. Learn the essentials to make accurate roofing estimates and build a profitable roofing business. Are you losing money with per-square bidding? Low bids lead to low profits, while high bids can result in lost opportunities. Learning how to make the most accurate bids for every roofing ...
Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Ryan Eves of RoofSnap and Jim Mallers of EverConnect and Socius Marketing. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast. Intro: Welcome to Roofing Road Trips, the podcast that takes you on a thrilling journey across ...
By RoofSnap. Tips and tricks for accurate roof pitch measurements. Planning a roofing project? Accurate roof pitch measurement is key to success. Explore different methods of determining roof pitch, from manual calculations to advanced mobile apps and tools below. How to determine roof pitch The roof’s pitch is the angle ...
Join the fastest roof measuring service in the industry, now offering gutter measurements! RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, welcomes RoofSnap into its community for contractors. RoofSnap, the industry leader in speed and accuracy for roof and gutter measurements, is known for ...
By RoofSnap. When we look at the history of technology in the roofing industry, it doesn’t go back very far. Of course, many small companies have been using Excel and QuickBooks to manage their payroll and expenses for decades, but roofing-specific software only goes back about ten years. We’re going to talk ...
By RoofSnap. If you’ve been in the market for business software before, you’ll know that most companies offer some combination of free trials, demos, or sneak-peeks at the software before you make a purchase decision. Our software is no exception, but we have our free-trial structured a little differently to offer you ...
By RoofSnap. Though the advantages of the "One Call Close" are up for debate, it's still a desirable outcome for all parties involved. Getting the job underway faster helps the homeowner get to the value that they're paying for, and you or your sales team don't have to worry about managing a ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. The International Roofing Expo® will be filled with special events, competitions, opportunities to learn new skills, and the first ever female keynote speaker. Make sure you’re in Dallas, Texas on February 4-6, 2020 for the International Roofing Expo (IRE). Sponsored by the National Roofing Contractors Association ...
By RoofSnap. As our industry starts a new decade, we thought we’d take a look at the options that roofers have when it comes to measurements. As a technology provider, we like to stay on top of the latest advances in the industry. Still, we also want to remain aware of the ...
By RoofSnap. Good roofing estimates lead to signed contracts. We can all agree that the estimate is an important part of the sales process. (Whether you should charge for an estimate is a conversation for another time.) There’s a lot of skill when it comes to presenting an estimate to your ...