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NRCA Legal

NRLRC- Hotel

Calling all Roofing Contractors for NRLRC 40th Anniversary Seminar

By Heidi J. Ellsworth, RCS Partner. Hotel registration closes August 29, 2019. Register today! For forty years, the National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC), in conjunction with the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), has developed and delivered unique legal products, services and education to enable roofing contractors to successfully manage and ...

NRLRC Legal Education

Legal Education for your Roofing Business

By Heidi J. Ellsworth, HJE Consulting. Register today and receive $100 discount through RoofersCoffeeShop® for NRLRC September Seminar in New York. Legal issues are a fact of life in the roofing industry, and roofing contractors need to make the most of every resource available.Compliance with regulations, litigation, and product claims and disputes ...

NRLRC 2019 Legal Seminar

National Roofing Legal Resource Center Announces 2019 Legal Seminar

New York City will provide the backdrop to an extraordinary three-day legal learning experience. The National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC), in conjunction with the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), is proud to announce NRLRC’s 40th Anniversary Seminar, Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets, will take place in the Big Apple on ...


Register Online for the NRLRC seminar

NRLRC - National Roofing Legal Resource Center's - 39th annual legal seminar is now excepting online registration. The legal NRLRC seminar: Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets, is scheduled for Sept. 6-8 at The Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa, Calif. The NRLRC seminar offers you the opportunity to learn innovative strategies and ...


NRLRC announces new board of directors

The National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC) has announced the members of its 2018-19 board of directors. John Embow, president of Grove Roofing Services Inc., Buffalo, N.Y., is president; Matthew Leonard, vice president of Architectural Sheet Metal Inc., Orlando, Fla., is vice president; and Kelly Braddy Van Winkle, vice president of ...

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