By Lauren White, RCS Editor. IRE 2021 did not disappoint and we can’t wait to experience it again in New Orleans in 2022! While I am not new to the trade show world, I am new to roofing trade shows. And the International Roofing Expo (IRE) 2021 in Las Vegas, ...
By MARCO Industries. Read about what MARCO is doing to curb the effects of the material shortage. A record number of cargo ships are waiting to be unloaded at the port complex of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the largest U.S. port. This bottleneck is happening because of ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. RCS will be “where the industry meets” at 2021 METALCON, booth #841! This year’s METALCON promises to deliver a packed itinerary full of timely seminars and events that will enhance how your business operates. The show is October 6-8, 2021 in Tampa, Florida and is ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. It is important to ventilate to keep moisture out of the attic, but do you find yourself asking “How does all this water accumulate?” Read on to learn why moisture builds. We all know that ventilation systems are a necessity in attics; they let fresh ...
By Marco Industries. Metal Roofing Magazine highlights the growth and success of metal roofing after 20 years of publication. A leading voice in the metal roofing industry, Metal Roofing Magazine, is celebrating 20 years of providing quality metal roofing news and information to contractors across the U.S. The magazine has ...
The Python Steep Slope Ventilation Division focuses on the issues of heat buildup and excess moisture in attics caused by inadequate roof ventilation. Marco Industries announces the formation of the Python Steep Slope Ventilation Division to focus on the issues of heat buildup and excess moisture in attics caused by inadequate ...
By Colin Sheehan, RCS Reporter. Swag, exciting products, cutting-edge tech and so much more were shared at this year's gleaming FRSA convention and expo. I had the privilege of joining Heidi J. Ellsworth, Karen Edwards, Tim Ellsworth, James Ellsworth and Megan Ellsworth at the FRSA's 99th Annual Convention and the ...
By MARCO Industries. There are more residential opportunities than ever before thanks to the COVID-spurred homebuilding boom. The pandemic’s impact across all industries has been significant, and the construction industry is no different. Both residential and commercial construction has been affected by COVID-19, with the latter suffering through delayed, shuttered, ...
By MARCO Industries. High-performing metal roof mechanics require an equal amount of intake and exhaust. There are a handful of ways to focus on the ventilation of a metal roof and calculate how it would be appropriate or specific to a particular project. Metal roofing is almost its own science, ...
By MARCO Industries. This buyers guide makes it easy to teach your customers the benefit of choosing a metal roof. When it comes to convincing a future customer that a metal roof is the best option for them, you want to have supporting materials ready for them. You should ...