RCS Influencer John Kenney says the roofing industry's future rests on a foundation of stronger relationships and heightened professionalism Building strong relationships and elevating professionalism will be essential for success in 2025 and beyond as the roofing industry continues to evolve. Roofing professionals operate in a field that relies on trust, ...
By Emma Peterson. From efficiency to recruiting, using the right equipment and tools can make a huge difference for your roofing company. Technology is continually improving and there is always some new tool on the market. But how do you know if it’s really worth it to get it for your company ...
By Emma Peterson. Let’s look back at the last year through the top articles from our amazing roofing influencers. 2024 has been quite the year! In 2023, we were excited to start the year with our new site and this year we are looking ahead at CoatingsCoffeeShops™ (CCS)’s second birthday. ...
By Emma Peterson. The Times Square Ball might not be dropping quite yet, but we can celebrate our roofing influencers as we wait. RoofersCoffeeShop® (RCS) prides ourselves in being the space where the industry meets. Our name honors the tradition of contractors meeting in coffee shops or diners early in ...
By Emma Peterson. As we go into another year, let’s celebrate everything that has happened this year. Every year, the crew at MetalCoffeeShop™ (MCS) reaches out to leaders and experts in the metal industry to assemble our MCS Influencers. These professionals come from all over the industry, from operating their ...
By Emma Peterson. Learn how to leverage your association membership to build a community and bolster your business. Periodically, the Coffee Shops™ partners with John Kenney of Cotney Consulting Group for Affinity Webinars. These are educational sessions that are designed to help contractors in the field with everything from transitioning ...
By Emma Peterson. It’s easy to get wrapped up in holiday preparations and find yourself at a loss of what to gift someone, which is why we’ve created this contractor gift guide! The holidays are a hectic time, from trying to get together with family to wrapping up another year ...
By Evelyn Witterholt. Here’s what has been trending on the MetalCoffeeShop™ (MCS) newsroom this past month. Safety is a top priority for roofing contractors, which is why they turn to our newsroom for safe working tips! One of our most read articles from last month was a piece by John ...
CCS Influencer John Kenney says cause marketing is a powerful tool for roofing contractors to enhance their brand reputation, build stronger community ties and foster customer loyalty. Throughout my years in the industry, I’ve seen how businesses in our field can benefit from aligning themselves with meaningful causes. Cause marketing, ...
MCS Influencer John Kenney says effective communication is at the heart of aligning your team with your company goals for 2025. As a long-time veteran in the roofing industry, I understand that aligning a team with company goals requires clear, consistent and meaningful communication. For 2025, achieving alignment within your company ...