By Cayden Wemple. Stone veneer is a great way to boost the aesthetic of any metal building. Check out this guide to picking the perfect stone veneer with information provided by Metal Depots. Metal buildings are known for their strong steel framing which can support various exterior styles. They ...
By Anna Lockhart. When planning your next big project, consider choosing steel over other traditional options. When comparing various construction materials, there are many advantages to choosing steel for your next project. Need convincing? Here are some reasons to consider steel as a trustworthy option. Sturdy When ...
Por Dani Sheehan. Elija los paneles metálicos con sujetadores ocultos Slimline® de Metal Depots para cada aplicación residencial y comercial liviana. Si tu cliente busca un diseño contemporáneo y eficiencia energética en el reemplazo de su techo, ¡el sistema de paneles de techo Slimline® de Metal Depots es la opción ...
By Anna Lockhart. When constructing a custom metal building, the interior choices are endless. Companies like Metal Depots create custom metal building kits, a unique package that gives homeowners and business owners the ability to control the design of the structure from start to finish. With the interior left ...
By Anna Lockhart. Condensation is a major player in damaging metal buildings. Here’s how to prevent it. There are many benefits to building structures using metal such as weather resistance and sturdiness, but one of the major drawbacks of metal buildings is the damage that can be done by ...
By Cayden Wemple. Check out this sleek and effective metal roofing that will keep your house looking great and protected at the same time. Texas weather is a force to be reckoned with, as hurricanes, tornadoes, and hailstorms frequently wreak havoc on residential properties. The sound of pounding rain on ...
By Metal Depots. By choosing Metal Depots panels for the shop at the back of his property, this homeowner has created a dream space for his new forever home. People who build homes typically move from place to place, but eventually they choose a project that will be their “forever ...
By Evelyn Witterholt. Metal Depots answers the three most common questions homeowners have about metal roofs. Although metal roofs are seen as a more favorable choice for residential roofs, customers will likely have questions and concerns that you’ll need to address. If you offer residential metal roofing services to customers, ...
Metal Depots is a metal component supplier for residential, commercial and agricultural industries. MetalCoffeeShop™, the award-winning place to get information on all things metal construction, is pleased to welcome Metal Depots into its community for metal contractors. Metal Depots is a leading supplier of metal buildings, roofing and ...