By RIDGEPRO. Tips and tools for beating the heat. While certain areas of the country remain cool, many regions have been feeling peak summer temperatures for weeks. Men and women who work outside including those in roofing, construction and agriculture accept hot weather as part of the job. Grin and ...
By Cotney Consulting Group. Roofing companies can safeguard their workforce and ensure compliance with new regulations by staying informed, engaging in the rulemaking process and proactively implementing heat illness prevention measures. With summer approaching, the roofing industry must stay vigilant about the safety of its workers in rising temperatures. The Occupational Safety ...
By Emma Peterson. Learn how TRA Snow and Sun keeps homeowners and contractors safer every day. TRA Snow and Sun was founded in 1996 to bring European snow safety products, such as snow brackets/guards and snow fences to America. Today, they’re still manufacturing and educating people about the same products, ...
By Cotney Consulting Group. Working in the heat poses significant risks, but these risks can be managed effectively with proactive measures and a commitment to safety. Working in the heat on the roof can quickly take a toll. As temperatures rise, so do the risks of heat-related illnesses. Equipping your team with ...
By Jonny Suchor. The RIDGEPRO journey to enhance roofing safety practices. In this episode of Roofing Road Trips®, Heidi J. Ellsworth chats with Brandon Strawder, the CEO of Strawder Family Innovations, which is the parent company of The RIDGEPRO, about the importance of roofing safety and a tool that can ...
By Dani Sheehan. It’s never too late to enhance your safety programs and mitigate hazards on the jobsite. Find the resources you need to keep your crew engaged and diligent when it comes to safety protocols. Participate in OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls in construction this May 6-10, 2024. This ...
By Wryker. Get a high-level overview of what OSHA is and why it matters. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is something you’ll hear about in every workplace. From mandated breaks to proper equipment usage, OSHA’s goal is to keep people safe and healthy. But, in the complex ...
NRCA members can systemize and communicate safety standards while monitoring and coaching in real time to drive performance and safety outcomes. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) has partnered with 1Life Software, a team of award-winning safety professionals and software developers, to launch the Safety Excellence Program. With the goal of reducing ...
By Emma Peterson. Having a safety-first focus is key to building an efficient and effective contracting business. Roofing can be a very dangerous profession, but thankfully there are tools available on the market to help keep roofing professionals safe. In an episode of Roofing Road Trips®, Heidi J. Ellsworth spoke ...
By Jonny Suchor. Understanding marijuana policies in today's workplaces. Recently the National Building Frame Association (NFBA) and the Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (MRCA) provided safety toolbox talks discussing the consequences of using marijuana while on the job. Even though medical and recreational marijuana are legal in some states, it's still ...