The new features to its safety app come as a welcome relief to contractors who are frustrated by the burden of compliance. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the workplace. The ETS establishes ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. OSHA has released winter weather guidelines so you can best prepare to be cold weather ready. With winter weather comes slippery surfaces, strong winds and environmental cold. During this time employers need to pay extra attention to preventing illness, injury or fatalities and work ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Contractors must be cognizant of the carbon monoxide risks that can come with a residential reroofing project The kind of story no roofer wants to hear is like the one about the woman in Oklahoma whose house filled with toxic carbon monoxide following roof ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Construction site employees need to understand the chemicals they may encounter at the worksite and the amount of exposure they might encounter. There are chemicals present at virtually every worksite. Many of those chemicals are hazardous to humans, depending on the exposure. Know the potential ...
By Equipter. Prevent slips and falls by following these helpful roofing safety tips. Not only is roofing one of the riskiest jobs out there, but the most common injuries come from slips, trips and falls. When a worker on your crew gets injured from a fall, it not only hits ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Complacency affects more than the individual worker. It affects your organization. Complacency on the job site has consequences. What is complacency? According to, it is a feeling of “quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect or the like.” ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Hispanic construction workers are hard to reach with information about worker rights and safety due to a language barrier. Latinos are the fastest-growing population in the construction industry but sometimes do not understand their rights on the job or how to protect themselves against injuries. The ...
By Trent Cotney, Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Keep safety issues at the forefront of workers’ minds and increase awareness of hazards. Safety training should be an ongoing practice at construction sites. However, while formal OSHA instruction is critical for a secure worksite, continuous reminders are also essential. You can communicate those ...
By Trent Cotney, Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. There are numerous pieces of equipment roofers use that require proper protection to avoid injury. It’s important to provide the proper safety equipment to employees and make sure they are using it. It is key to a safe workplace. Let’s break down the ...
By Trent Cotney, Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Jobsites are becoming much safer these days as project managers, inspectors and surveyors are turning more and more to drone technology. As we all know, construction work can be dangerous and today, we are also dealing with a contagious global pandemic, so the fewer ...