Buckeye Frame Building Association is dedicated to serving Ohio’s post frame construction industry. RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, is pleased to welcome Buckeye Frame Building Association into its community for contractors. Buckeye Frame Building Association (BFBA) is committed to serving ...
By Evelyn Witterholt. Here’s what’s been trending on RoofersCoffeeShop® (RCS) this past month. Checking out our top articles each month is a great way to learn what is trending in the roofing industry. This month, we can see that interest in sustainable roofing systems is still going strong. One of ...
The Catch-All is a unique jobsite protection covering that makes sure no debris is left behind. RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, is pleased to welcome The Catch-All into its community for contractors. The Catch-All protects the homeowner’s property during roof replacement ...
USG Corporation, also known as United States Gypsum Corporation, makes incredible building materials for a variety of contracting needs. RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, is pleased to welcome USG into its community for contractors. USG is a historic building materials manufacturer ...
VARP is an invaluable resource to roofing contractors, suppliers, consultants and related industry professionals in Virginia looking to elevate the industry through education, advocacy and workforce development. RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, is pleased to welcome Virginia Association of Roofing Professionals ...
By Yvette Cruz. A roof that needs of a fairytale makeover. On the corner of South Yale Street in Spring Garden Township, Pennsylvania, stands a “Storybook house.” Once looked upon with great admiration began to slowly despair over the years. Homeowners Susan Machado and Ed O’Brien wanted to restore ...
By Yvette Cruz. The past that sticks with us. Darci Kunard shares the gamut of products available to roofing professionals. Franklin International was established in 1935 as a family-owned business. Based in Columbus, Ohio, the main factory is still located there, as well as Darci Kunard. Darci is the ...
By Cayden Wemple. All contractors hit a season where business slows down a bit, so what should you do to make the most out of that slow time? Whether your business model is chasing storms and fixing damages but it’s the offseason, or your business has just been a little ...
By Yvette Cruz. Principal values of USG result in innovative measures taken to survive a global pandemic. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruptions around the world. The repercussions that it brought lead to shortages of staff, material and business overall. USG Securock®, a building materials manufacture, has been ...
By Yvette Cruz. Teachable moments when a school roof is needed. No one better understands the adverse effects of distraction inside a classroom better than teachers. Unfortunately, no one can plan for unexpected events to take place. Nathaniel Morton Elementary School was in need of a new roof. After being told ...