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Products & Services

General coatings Reducing the industry’s carbon footprint with spray foam roofing

Reducing the industry’s carbon footprint with spray foam roofing

By Dani Sheehan. The switch to HFO-based spray foam roofing offers durability, energy efficiency and improved sustainability for commercial roofing solutions. Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing is renewable, sustainable and the solution of the future. While many states have already transitioned from HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) blowing agents to HFOs (hydrofluroolefins), the ...

General coatings The state of the spray foam roofing industry

The state of the spray foam roofing industry

By Evelyn Witterholt. From building code changes to federal rulings to the 2024 election, here’s what we know about the current state of the spray foam roofing industry. Although 2024 has been a good year for spray foam roofing, it hasn’t come without its challenges. But despite these standard ups ...

SW What makes cool roofs so cool

What makes cool roofs so cool?

By Emma Peterson. Lauren Rogers of Sherwin-Williams shares cool roof coating basics and benefits. As energy costs rise and climate change continues to raise concerns about the planet, cool roof coatings have been developed as an innovative construction solution. These coatings are designed with advanced materials and pigments that allow ...

Wil mar The underrated role of pipe collars in roofing

The underrated role of pipe collars in roofing

By Jesse Sanchez. Pipe collars are essential for waterproofing, durability, energy efficiency and protecting roofs from pests and debris. In the world of roofing, the small details often go unnoticed but hold immense importance. Pipe collars, such as those provided by Wil-Mar Products Inc, seemingly minor components, play a pivotal ...

Hickman Hidden component to improve and strengthen roof security

Hidden component to improve and strengthen roof security

By Dani Sheehan. Reserve this important seminar and learn how wood nailers impact the strength, durability and sustainability of your roof system. Our industry continues to evolve, and new information allows us to work toward a stronger, more sustainable built environment. Hickman Edge Systems proudly offers continuing education programs to ...

New tech Sticking to excellence: Titebond’s new innovative sealants

Sticking to excellence: Titebond’s new innovative sealants

By Emma Peterson. Titebond’s WeatherMaster is making waves, or blocking them, with its versatility and durability. While at METALCON 2024, The Coffee Shops™ hosted a sound stage that was sponsored by New Tech Machinery. This gave us the opportunity to meet up with new and old friends around the ...

TRA A complete guide to snow retention installation

A complete guide to snow retention installation

By Emma Peterson. Learn about the three phases of building a snow retention system. Snow retention is a crucial part of roof design anywhere with heavy winter snowfall. These systems can literally save lives by retaining the snow on the roof, allowing it to evenly melt off and reducing the ...

Vaproshield Understanding and accounting for moisture

Understanding and accounting for moisture

By Emma Peterson. Moisture in the building industry can be catastrophic, but if managed properly it shouldn’t cause issues. Many contractors have faced struggles with damp materials or moisture intrusion on their jobsites. Working with saturated materials can create long-lasting structural issues, but slowing projects down to wait for ...

S-5! announces 50 new patents

S-5! announces 50 new patents

Doubling down on innovation in 2024. S-5!, the global leader of metal roof attachments, announces the addition of 50 new patents issued in 2024 alone, bringing the total number of patents issued to 194 since its first patent application in 1991. These patents are issued by global patent agencies across multiple regions, ...

Bitec The new face of roof restoration

The new face of roof restoration

By Jesse Sanchez. How coatings can offer a strategic solution for building owners. Roof coatings are more than just a maintenance tool — they’re a strategic decision that can impact a building’s value and longevity. In this CoatingsTalk, hosted by Karen Edwards, industry veterans Jon Feick and Alan Tatum from ...

Showing: 141 - 150 of 2439
SOPREMA -   Banner Ad - The Right Coatings for the Right Roofs (RLW on-demand) New Design

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