By Trent Cotney, Adams and Reese LLP. OSHA citations are not to be taken lightly. Here's what you need to know and how to respond if your business has a violation. Every employer knows that OSHA inspections and citations can be serious business. This perception is especially accurate if hazards are discovered ...
By Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA). WRSCA has been keeping an eye on the 2023 senate votes and are here to advocate for roofing contractors in their area. The 82nd Oregon Legislative Assembly recently passed Senate Bill 592, which changes the civil penalties for violations of Oregon Safe ...
By Cotney Consulting Group. Here's what you need to know about the recent shifts in Florida's roofing insurance policies and how to navigate insurance nuances in the industry. The roofing insurance market in Florida changes with the weather: dynamic and unpredictable. The laws, economic problems and complex environment have made the situation ...
By Dani Sheehan. Better safe than sorry! Learn about potential cybersecurity attacks and what steps you can take to mitigate your company’s risk. In season five, episode 45 of Roofing Road Trips, Heidi J. Ellsworth sits down with Adams and Reese Counsel Roy Hadley to discuss the importance of cybersecurity ...
By Adam Cabrera. When navigating an ever-changing industry keep an eye out for economic shifts and their legal consequences. If you follow roofing industry news, then you probably have a good idea of some of the economic trends we’ve been seeing over the past few years. But have you ever ...
By Trent Cotney, Adams and Reese, LLC. With heat waves sweeping the nation, this new law may eliminate regulations put in place to keep outdoor laborers safe. Learn more about the potential impacts and what to expect in the future. With rising temperatures across the nation, cities everywhere are facing ...
By Adam Cabrera. Proper training, documentation and communication are key to risk mitigation. In a recent episode of Roofing Road Trips, David Toney of Adams and Reese, a law firm known for construction law, shed light on common pitfalls faced by roofing contractors and the significance of being well-prepared to ...
By Adams and Reese. This “mentorship in a book” provides helpful insights from 55 black lawyers of all types of professional backgrounds. Suntrease Williams-Maynard, a Special Counsel at Adams and Reese, has contributed to the groundbreaking book "Lessons from Successful African American Lawyers: Practical Wisdom for Those on the Path ...
By Anna Lockhart. Title 24 outlines a set of sustainability-focused requirements for building standards in the state of California. Title 24 – California's energy code – is designed to take action in reducing excessive energy consumption and waste during and post building construction. Every three years the California ...
By Trent Cotney, Adams & Reese LLP. Communicating your needs is essential for a successful project. When working on a business project, communicating is key for all parties involved. Prime contractors and subcontractors need a definitive and coherent understanding of what is to be expected from one another to maintain ...