By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Cotney Construction Law shares OSHA’s clarification regarding the anti-retaliation provision of 2016. Employers in the construction industry have been unwilling to establish “safety incentive programs and conduct post-incident drug testing…” according to Cotney Construction Law. Employers didn’t want to violate the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Expect OSHA investigations and enforcement to increase with their additional funding and field inspectors. “Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta testified before a subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives on behalf of President Trump and the Department of Labor,” according to Cotney Construction Law. He also submitted ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Learn how to stay protected if a cardinal change occurs on your next job site. It’s common for construction projects to encounter delays and changes from the initial plan, such as a timeline adjustment due to weather conditions. However, some owners request alterations that are ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Learn more about the return of the No Match letters and what it means for you and your business. This March the Social Security Administration (SSA) began mailing letters to employees with names and/or social security numbers that didn’t match the records of the SSA. Known ...
By Lauren White. RCS Reporter. How to prepare your business for an investigation. Recently, companies in the construction industry, both small and large, have been targeted by the United States Department of Labor (DOL). Investigations are taking place in an attempt to diminish labor employment infractions. How is an Investigation ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Cotney Construction Law explains recent development from appellate court regarding evidence abuse. Recently, clarification was provided concerning “...potential liability that can result from discarding materials that could be used as evidence in a lawsuit,” according to Cotney Construction Law. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ...
By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. A new approach streamlines legal services and provides access to attorneys on demand. If there is one thing that comes to mind when you have a need for legal services, it’s typically ‘how much is this going to set me back?’ Every roofing contractor has a ...
By WSRCA. The foundation of California’s immense economy is based upon three industries: entertainment, technology and tourism. These industries heavily rely on “gig workers,”, individuals who provide paid services to multiple companies simultaneously and who have traditionally been classified as independent contractors. This structure is very similar to the model used in ...
By Cotney Construction Law. Litigation is a common occurrence for contractors. Despite who is at fault, there are several ways disputes can arise, leading to litigation. Not only is litigation costly, but it can also ruin a company’s reputation. Follow these tips to help contractors avoid litigation. 1. Document Everything Contractors should have a ...
By Cotney Construction Law for WSRCA. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is instituting a handful of new rules that took effect on July 15, 2019. The overarching goal of these updates is to streamline processes, decrease paperwork, and preserve funds. The final rule will lead to fourteen standards revisions related ...